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Abstract Since Dec.11th 2001, China started implementing 《 WTO Custom Valuation Agreement》 all-around. While, the changes of custom Valuation rules especially the changes of concept of pay taxes, gives a big shock to the custom valuation practices. On one hand custom must be factualism, officiating the evaluation power non-arbitrarily. On the other hand, the complication of bargain price and so many other uncertain price elements directly influence the final decision of the pay tax, which is based on the bargain price. All these result in the ascending of the price gouging smuggle cases. Based on the 《WTO custom valuation agreement》 and our natural custom valuation system, this article analyzes the reasons and gives some suggestion in establishing anti-price gouging system. Comparing the rules of 《WTO custom valuation agreement》 and our natural custom legislation, the author firstly points out that the changes of bargain price stimulate the rising of price gouging cases. Secondly, this article discusses the concept, method, composition of price gouging. Thirdly, the author states the reasons both inside and outside. Finally, the author points his own opinions about how to set up anti-price gouging system, combing the rules of 《WTO custom valuation agreement》 and custom practices. Key words: WTO, custom, valuation agreement, price gouging 引 言 今年 1 月 26 日是“国际海关日”,今年的主题是“海关与商 业瞒骗”。世界海关组织秘书长达内在致各国海关署长的信函中 指出,打击商业瞒骗活动是海关的一项长期工作。世界海关组织 希望通过确立这个主题并举办相关活动,提高各成员海关对打击 商业瞒骗的认识,共同加大打击力度。商业瞒骗在海关估价中的 突出表现是价格瞒骗,其性质是一种违法行为,《中华人民共和 国海关法》(以下简称《海关法》)将其认定为走私行为,如果 偷逃的税额达到了《刑法》规定的起刑点就构成走私犯罪。海关 是我国法定的国家进出境监督管理机关,《海关法》赋予海关的 四大职能中有一项重要的职能就是征收税费①。海关征收税费工 作中一项最重要的工作程序就是海关估价,即对于需要征收税费 的进出口货物进行估价,以此确定进出口货物的完税价格来作为 海关征收税费的基础。因此正确地确定进出口货物的完税价格是 征收关税,特别是征收从价税、选择关税或复合关税的重要前提。 ②从 2001 年 12 月 11 日开始,我国正式成为了世界贸易组织 (WTO)成员方,海关的执法工作既要遵循世界贸易组织的规 则,又要保护好国家利益,如何做到二者的平衡,这是对海关工 作的考验。尤其是我国全面履行《WTO 海关估价协议》后,给 海关的估价工作带来了很大的冲击,导致了价格瞒骗类走私案件 呈逐年上升的趋势,这也给打击走私工作带来了新的课题和挑 战。来自海关总署的统计显示,2004 年 1 至 9 月,全国海关共 查


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