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湖南大学博士学位论文 引入风险因素影响矩阵,模拟风险因素对项目的各层子网络中各活动的影 响,模拟活动的持续时间,从而模拟项目的总工期,确定项目工期的概率 分布,为确定合理的网络计划提供科学依据。最后进行了风险因素与项目 工期相关性分析,提出了判别主要风险因素的一种有效的方法。 4. 以)个具体大型制造项目进度计划为案例,对分层网络技术的应用 进行了实证研究。 γ 关键词:项目管理 v  网络步  资源优化 \】_.// E  风险、分析/ ? 分钞络模型 . EPEt EPEtty-fi也吨fttt$4kFEFESsff -rp·i.、..民·坠, , ? .. ‘..,、,龟,e、,J??tJ·.·.‘、. . . ‘. .,、,龟,e、, J? ? t J · . ·.‘、 .- 马〉, , ,, ? 分层网络技术及其应用研究 精岳 Abstract Current network techniques mainly point to simple-hierarch network plan and are difficult to effectively direct production of large..scale enterprise. , Since their production procedure are very complex and exist hundred o( SAga-EE堪43奇、,民$1·4·,p SAga-EE堪43奇、,民$1·4·,pdru,phι5·ppsariNF〉btsJ睬苦 ··FEkt电且,与95tzeztes24Zarbyk6-besιbttkfza· In practical production  plan network IS incomplete,hence application hierarchy network to improve plan quality of production procedure has great theory and practice significance. This paper discusses history and actualities of network plan,point to existing problems,studies problems of estimation for activities duration, resources allocation,risk analysis,expresses authors new views. Based on 扰, the author develops hierarchical network technique and indicates its application. At first,this paper  studies  hierarchical decomposition  method of network plan, presents hierarchical principle and model,discusses different hierarchy networks relationship, determines hierarchy sub-networks ca1culation of time paramete民 and gives their ca1culation steps. ? Secondly,this paper studies optimization of resource of hierarchical network technique. The article presents concept of partial simplification and connection sub-network and setting way,based on it,we discuss source leveling problem and set coπesponding arithmetic under constrain of total duration of project is constant. This paper also discusses app1ication of hierarchical network technique ín machine enterprise. Point to machine making network plan,create sub-network. 1ts p



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