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法律发展是法理学研究的一个重要领域,本文拟对法律发展动力进行初步的 探索。社会发展需要有动力,有动力才能有发展,没有动力社会就不能获得发展。 法律发展是伴随着社会的发展而发展。法律发展在本质上是社会发展的反映,随 着人类社会进步性变化而发展。法律发展动力虽然根源于社会发展的动力,但并 不能完全用社会发展动力的学说解释法律发展。 本文先考察法律发展概念的形成和内涵,然后界定确定法律发展动力的概念 及其内涵,进而分析法律发展动力的三种类型。在文章最后,结合我国实际,探 讨时代背景下中国的法律发展动力,以此促进中国法律发展,建设有中国特色的 社会主义法治国家。 关键词:法律发展;法律发展动力;全球化 Abstract Legal development is one important fields of the jurisprudence; this paper is about the preliminary exploration on the impetus of legal development. As we all know, social development needs something to promote, the impetus promote the social development, without the impetus the social cannot get develop. The development of law concomitant with the development of society, and cannot leave it. In essence, the legal development is the reflection of social development, as human society get progressive change, the law get develop. The impetus of legal development rooted in the power of social development, but it cannot be make clear entirely with the theory of the power of the social development. This paper first reviewed the development of law; mainly discusses about the relationship between the social development and law development. Then define the impetus of law development, divided it into three types that have got the deliberate expatiation. At the end of the paper, associated with the reality of China society development and its’ law development, discusses the impetus of law development under the global background. The impetus of China law development can promote China society and law development and impulse the construction of the Chinese character socialism country ruled by law. Key words: Legal Development; the Impetus of Legal Development; Globalization 摘 要 ...........................................................I Abstract ..........................................................II 目 录 .........................................................III 引 言 ...........................................................1 1 法律发展 ..................................


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