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I I 摘 要 随机抽取 318 名在校大学生为被试,运用大五人格量表、消费文化价值观和消费决 策风格量表进行调查,对在校大学生的消费决策风格进行数据收集。运用相关分析和多 元回归分析,探讨人格、消费文化价值观与消费决策风格之间的关系。 结果显示: (1)大学生大五人格因素、消费文化价值观和消费决策风格在人口统计学变量上差异 显著; (2)大五人格因素对大学生消费文化价值观具有正向预测作用; (3)大学生大五人格因素与消费者决策风格相关显著,且大五人格因素对消费者决策 风格有预测作用; (4)大学生消费文化价值观与消费者决策风格相关显著,并且大学生的消费文化价值 观对大学生的消费者决策风格有正向预测作用; (5)大学生消费文化价值观因素在大学生大五人格影响消费者决策风格中起中介作 用。 关键字:大五人格因素、文化价值观、消费决策风格 III III ABSTRACT This study conducted a questionnaire survey of 318 undergraduates, consumer decision making styles of College students. In the research of the big five personality factors on College Students analysis and consumer culture values, collect the relevant data. And to further explore the differences between the three factors and dimensions in the variable of population statistics, on College Students Big Five personality factors, consumption culture values and consumer decision-making styles do correlation and multiple regression analysis of three variables. Draw the following conclusions: The big five personality factors, college students consumption culture values and consumer decision making style of significant differences in the variable of population statistics; The big five personality factors of college students and college students consumption culture values correlated significantly, and the big five personality factors have prediction effect on College Students consumption culture values; Was significantly related to college students Big Five personality factors and consumer decision-making style, and the big five personality factors have prediction effect on consumer decision making style; The college students consumption culture values and consumer decision-making styles were significantly related, and the consumption culture values have prediction effect on consumer decision making style; The college students consumption culture values play an intermediary role in college students Big Five personality influence consumer decision making style. Keywords: Big-Five Factor Invento


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