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|啊!|11111lfullljl A STUDY ON GENDER DIFFERENCE IN CONVERSATION STYLE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS 鸟飞叫Discipline: Linguisticsψd Applied Linguistics 鸟飞叫 :口2232rJf3 ABSTRACT η山 study a忱emptsωexpl Ore genderlinked cOnversatiOnal styles in language use amOng undergraduates in the setting Of Chinese English classrOOm. Based On 伽e theO叩Of COnversatiOn Analysis,a survey Of questiOnnaire and an analysis Of tape-recOrding da阳 in the EFL class are cOnducted. A system创ic analysis is made cOncerning the fOllOwing aspects: tOpic chOice,amOunt Of speech, turns and f1OOrs,interruptiOn,back channel respOnses and cOnversatiOnal selfrepair. AccOrding tO the study,the authOr finds th创 the male students dO di班er a lOt 企om female students in their cOnversatiOn styles. Firstly,邸tO the tOpic chOice, L male students tend tO talk mOre in the discussiOn Of pOlitics,ecOnOmy and spO阳 while female students prefer the discussiOn Of entertainment ,shOpping,family and interpersOnalωpics such as their future plans and hObbies. SecOndly,as tO the amOunt Of speech,On the whOle,males utter a little bit mOre than females. But the topics and the ratiO Of sex in the grOup can influence the speech Output Of students. ηl?rdly,也e tOtal turns Of speaking Of male students and female students 缸e alsO changing accOrding 10 the different tOpics and the different ratiO Of sex in their grOup discussiOns. FOurth1弘 the tOtal number Of interruptiOns Of male students is mOre than 由at Of female students. HOwever,in the mixed-sex grOup,female students are inclined ωinterrupt males mOre than males dO. Fifthly,female students make mOre back channel respOnses than males. Finally,cOncerning the self-repair,female students use mOre self-repairs than male students in Order ω express themselves cOrrectly. Based On the differences mentiOned abOve,the au曲。r puts fOrward sOme suggestiOns fOr language teachers tO imprOve the efficiency Of college English teaching ,especially the Oral English teaching.



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