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论文题目:带式输送机断带捕捉过程的动态仿真 工程领域:机械工程 硕 士 生:李 博 (签名) 指导教师:任中全 (签名) 摘 要 带式输送机由于运输成本低廉,运行平稳,对复杂运输线路的适应性强等优点,广 泛的应用于煤矿领域。但受到输送带自身及外在因素的影响,输送机难免会发生断带事 故,严重影响煤矿的正常生产,甚至导致人员伤亡。在输送机上加装断带保护装置,能 在很大程度上降低断带事故造成的经济损失。 本文分析了断带捕捉器的技术现状和研究现状,并对不同类型的捕捉器优缺点进行 比较,以楔块式断带捕捉器为研究对象,建立了楔块装置抓捕力的数学模型,求出了满 足自锁条件时楔角的取值范围。在分析输送带动态特性的基础上,得到了基于悬垂度的 输送带等效弹性模量,以 Voigt 粘弹性模型为基本元件建立了断带捕捉过程的动力学方 程。考虑到输送带断带原因、位置以及断裂后的运动情况,对捕捉器安装距离的设计方 式作了分析计算。最后在 MATLAB 软件中对断带捕捉整个过程进行动态仿真,并对仿 真结果进行分析,得出不同安装方式、楔块楔角、输送机运行工况对断带捕捉结果影响 的普遍规律,为以后的断带捕捉器设计奠定理论基础。 本文得出以下结论:断带捕捉器按照上密下疏间距安装时的捕捉效果优于相等间距 的安装方式;满足自锁条件时,楔角增大制动时间和制动距离减小;输送机运量增大, 制动时间增大,制动距离减小;输送带运行速度的变化与制动距离没有表现出正反比关 系;输送机铺设倾角增大,制动时间和制动距离急剧增大。 关 键 词:带式输送机;断带;抓捕力;楔角;仿真 研究类型:应用研究 Subject : Dynamic simulation of the broken-belt catch process for the belt conveyor Specialty : Mechanical Engineering Name : Li Bo (Signature) Instructor : Ren Zhongquan (Signature) ABSTRACT Belt conveyor is used widely in the coal industry with the leverage of low transport costs, running smoothly and the adaptations for the complex routes. But the most conveyor trouble is the belt broken which affected by the own and extraneous interference. Event of accident may cause coal abnormal production and casualties. The safety device to protect the security of the machine, to a large extent, can protect against financial losses resulting from the accident. This article analyzed the research status and latest progress about belt-broken catcher, and also compared their advantages and disadvantages for different types. Based on this, this paper took the wedge belt-broken catcher as research object and the capture force of the wedge belt-broken catcher can be predicted by means of mathematical models. By analyzing the model, the self-locking values range of wedge angle was pointed out. The dynamic characteristics of the conveyor belt were investigated, and then we can deduce the equivalent elastic modulus of the belt. Given the dynamical equation which based on the Voigt to reflect the broken belt



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