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I I 摘 要 摘 要 财产继承制度是我国民法的重要组成部分。改革开放以来,随着经济社会日新月异 的发展,民事矛盾和纠纷也变得越来越多,继承立法在实践中的地位也更高了。随着社 会的进步,我国《继承法》也暴露出了诸多缺陷,特别是代位继承制度更是与时代相脱 节了,代位继承制度的理论体系已渐渐开始无法满足立法实践的要求了,更不用说指导 司法实践了。众所周知,社会生活是多姿多彩的,在某一情形下,如果代位继承制度的 效力被大幅度削弱的话,遗产就无法科学的在家庭内部流产,此时国家就会收归呢些无 人继承的个人遗产,这对公民来说无疑是中巨大的损失。本文从代位继承概述、国外制 度考察与评析、完善对策等方面展开,对代位继承制度的概念、性质、各国立法例的比 较,在司法实践中国暴露出来的缺陷,以及怎样解决上述问题进行了阐述,以求在不改 变我国传统继承风俗的前提下,以国外先进立法经验为参考对我国代位继承制度进行不 断的完善。 关键词 代位继承 转继承 代位权说 固有权说 II II Abstract Abstract Inheritance system is an important part of our civil law. Since reform and opening, Chinas igorous development of productive forces, the rapid accumulation of personal wealth, coupled with complex social life, making subrogation inheritance system has been increasingly common to apply. As the legal system inherited an important part of the relationship with the inheritance system subrogation rights of the parties and the protection of the interests of maintenance. As a statutory subrogation inheritance system inheritance system in important system is legal under certain conditions inherited form of family property for the realization of a scientific and reasonable flow, to ensure prosperous family, play pension nursery function significance can not be ignored. In this paper, theoretical explanations, comparative study, practice analysis perspective of subrogation inheritance system concepts, nature, national legislation of comparison, in practice, the application of other aspects of the study, expected by learning foreign legislative experience, while respecting our traditions inherited habits based on the right of subrogation inheritance system made a number of amendments. Keywords Inherit in subrogation subsuccession Doctrine of the Subrogation Doctrine of the Inherent PAGE PAGE IV 目 录 目 录 引 言 1 第 1 章 代位继承制度概述 2 1.1 代位继承的涵义 2 1.2 代位继承的特征 3 1.3 代位继承的性质 4 第 2 章 域外代位继承相关立法的考察与评析 6 2.1 有关代位继承发生原因立法之考察与评析 6 2.1.1 有关代位继承发生原因的立法考察 6 2.1.2 有关代位继承发生原因的立法评析 6 2.2 有关被代位人范围立法之考察与评析 7 2.2.1 有关被代位人范围的立法考察 7 2.2.2 有关被代位


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