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摘要 r 位 2 山μm 波段作为高功率脉冲辐射源的高也安全、紧凑放电引 发的非链式脉冲 HF 激光器近年来发展十分迅速 J 我们首次在国内对非链 式脉冲 HF 化学激光器进行了研究,实验采用双边火花针结构用于产生紫 外光预电离,激光器的放电体积为 lcmx2cmx56cm ,激光介质为SF 和 C2比。 激光器的脉冲输出能量为 400时,脉冲峰值功率为1. 5MW ,激光能量比输 出达 31.7J/l.atm ,最大电光转换效率约为2 凯在验发现放电时,非链 式脉冲 HF 激光器的 E/P 值比脉冲 C02 激光器的 E/P 值高得多。放电起弧 时,激光输出能量随充电电压的变化仍呈上升趋势,只是激光能量随充电 电压增长的速度减慢,电光转换效率有所降低乒先介质中加入叫 Ne 等缓冲气体时,激光输出和放电稳定性都无明显提高。研究了气体组分和 峰化电容等对紫外光预电离脉冲 HF 激光器性能的影响。(发现最佳气体混 合比为 SF/C2He=20: 1,峰化电容和主放电电容的最佳比为Cp/Cs=O,27 ,在 最佳气体混合比肘,最大激光脉冲能量和对应的总气压随充电电压的提高 而增大。另外,激光脉冲宽度随气压的升高而减小。卢 γ 本文还建立了一个理论模型用于模拟电荷转移电路的放电特性,这个 模型可以很好地解释已有的实验现象。模型建立的基础是对电路中两回路 电流的微分方程求解。通过这个模型,根据电路的振荡频率和衰减系数, 可以模拟放电电流和电压波形.但据测量得到的放电电流和电压波形,可 以求出电路的振荡频率和衰减系数,因而也能得到放电等离子体的等效电 阻和等效电感。 / 关键词:紫外光预电离 y 非链式、/脉冲 HF 激光器 J 电荷转移电路 . ABSTRACT Ke Changjun (M苟or in Physical Electronics) Directed by Wan Chongyi High power electrically-initiated HF pulsed chemical lasers are particularly attractive since they can very efficiently generate high intensity infrared radiation in the 2.5-3.5μm range. We have experimentally found that the optimum E/P value of pulsed HF laser is much higher than that of pulsed C02 laser. When the discharge becomes arcing,the output energy still increases with the charging voltage. The pulse width decreases with the gas pressure increases. The influence of the peaking capacitor,the component and pressure of mixture gas on the performance of spark preionized pulsed HF laser is investigated. There exìsts an optimum mixing ratio (SF6fC2H6=20) and an optimum capacitor ratio (Cp/Cs=O.27). Under the condition of optimum mixing ratio,an increase in the charging voltage increases the attainable output energy and the optimal pressure. The laser with active volume lcmx2cmx56cm has been operated w?th gas rnixture of SF6 and C2H6,giving laser output energy up to 400m],the laser peak power up to 1.5MW,the specific laser energy is 31.7Jfl.atm,with a maximum technical efficiency about 2.2%. The electrical characteristics of the charge transf



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