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法律化的提浩混淆了法和道德在不同层面的关系。 接着手建立中西融合的法律具体措施和操作规器:在立法环 节遵从伦理价值,弘揭社会主义法的时 ft精神:在执法司法环节, 应避免道德栋准韵介入:在社会控制环节,应建立目捷律秩序为 ,在伦理秩序为藩础的相贸合的期则秩序:在捕理自家的居 嚣,必绩确立法律至上的现念。 关键词z 法律、道德U社会基本现侈法制崔行为规棺 论文类型z 理论研究 摘要 Title:τbe Relation ofLaw and Morality- Morality in Law Major: Philosophy of Marxist Name: Xie yi部ù1ua Supervisor: Liu Yong如 Abstract ηle relation of law and moraH守 is not only a su均ect widely cared about in the hlstory of civilization of social system. but a1so 栩 ìmportant theme in philosophy of 1aw. From ancient times to the present. many 也inkers of the east and the w军st have put forward their own ideas regardìng 伽is issueAt present in chlna,this is 革Iso a problem to be solved i跳出e process of realization of rule by law. China is still in the I览。在巳能 of the construction of socìalist market 吉∞nomy ; to establish law and morality ín accord with socialist market economy is still an arduous 饭然, and is also. an import栩t side of the development of material civilization and spiri往泊l civilization. Coordinating the relation of law and morality plays a decisive role ìn the construction of morality and law system ad叩t巳d to the present society. and in accelerati吨 refonnation and opening of our country. Not aiming at the solution of all the problems of the relation of law and morality,the thesis only proposes some ideas on the issue of legalization of moraIity. whlch is now being discussed he吕立在dlyamong the present world of theory. From thls the author talks about the relation between morality and law. to remove misund军rstanding about these issues. and to play a proper role in 也e theoretical study and actual practiωofthe ∞n就ruction ofthe morality and legal systern. Based on the examination. summarizatio觅. and absorption of the given materials. the thesis puts forw豁达 somenewide郁郁 followi吨· ηle notions of law and morality ar写 both involved in di班旨在:nt categories and multiple layers. 1t should be noted that there are multípl缸-layers of th号 relation between the law and mo



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