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山东科技大学硕士学位论文Ab 山东科技大学硕士学位论文 Abstract PAGE PAGE 5 Abstract These years when translation services are gradua lly industria lized and translation quality is strict ly required transla tion quality assessment (TQA) has attracted more and more attention and a lot of researches have been diverted to the TQA met hods which can not only provide a way to evaluate the quality of translation, but also serve as a guida nce for the improvement thereof. Seeing that errors in lega l translation has led to offences against law, this thesis is to build a fuzzy TQA model which can be used specifica lly to assess the quality of lega l text translation and thus help to make lega l rules understood and observed exact ly and accurately in a different la nguage environment. Willia ms (2004) has classified the approaches to TQA into two categor ies: quantitative and non-quantitative. In applica tion the former ma y reduce the subjectivity and help to reach a higher degree of objectivity, which is the very kernel requirement of TQA. Since lega l texts put more emphases on objectivity, a quantitative approach is more appropriate for their evaluation. Before the construct ion of a systematic TQA model a just ified theoret ica l basis should be established. The previous researches show that the goal of lega l translation is to produce texts which express the mea ning accurately and achieves the lega l effects intended by the author. This suggests two criter ia for the translation of lega l texts from the pragmatic perspectives. Therefore, the parameters to be assessed ma y be prepared respectively at two levels: propositiona l content and lega l effect. A lot of researches also have been done by ma ny influentia l scholars as to the equivalence of information and lega l speech act. They form a significa nt contribution to the assessment of the parameters. According to Willia ms, almost all approaches to translation quality assessment are character ized by error categor ization and analysis,



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