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Yaan earthquake in Sichuan, the domestic commercial banks to actively fulfill their social responsibilities, in the event of an emergency to fulfill their social responsibilities to show more advantages, more convenient, and compared with the general enterprises, commercial banks have social, monopoly, debt management features such as business and capital regulation function makes its social responsibilities more the necessity and legitimacy of the rich. While the earth quake relief only commercial banks to fulfill the social responsibility of a miniature, their social responsibility of the field more broadly, however, commercial banks in the still unsatisfactory to fulfill their social responsibilities, which requires us to use the law and moral strength to promote. This paper from the commercial banks social responsibility theory, based on the concept of social responsibility and social responsibility of commercial banks, defines the concept and content of social responsibility of commercial banks from the point of view of law, and analyzes the social responsibility of commercial banks particularity different from general corporate social responsibility, and then summarizes the commercial banks in our country exist in the practice of social responsibility the problem, learn from advanced foreign practices, proposed consummates our country commercial bank social responsibility from legal perspective.
According to the research ideas, this article besides the introduction, is divided into four parts, which constitute the overall framework of this paper.
The first part is an overview of the social responsibility of the commercial bank. This part first introduces the scholars from different angles on the social responsibility and the social responsibility of the commercial bank defined; then through careful analysis of the legal connotation from the perspective of social responsibility of commercial banks, and further according to its meaning will be content
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