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华 中 科 技 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文
This thesis aims to deeply investigate the magnetic characterization of thermal dynamic behavior shown in the inverse susceptibility-temperature curve of magnetic fluid. As temperature varies, agglomeration of monomers and disruption of clusters, which will cause a superlinear behavior in the inverse susceptibility-temperature curve characterizing thermal dynamic behavior, will take place in the suspended units in magnetic fluid. And research on
thermal dynamic behavior of magnetic fluid is of great significance in biomedical field such as MR contrast agents, hyperthermia for cancer therapy and nanoparticle temperature estimation. The main content of this dissertation is as following.
Based on the classical model of Langevin function, in magnetic fluid the behavior of thermal-assisted cluster disruption was explained and the critical temperature of cluster disruption is presented employing second-order-like phase transition of Landau theory. On the base, the relative content of monomers and clusters in magnetic fluid is characterizing by the critical temperature, and a modified Langevin function which has a wide applicability was established. Finally, experiments on thermal dynamic behavior of magnetic fluid were characterized to verify the theory stated above.
Employing the Rosenswing Model, a model which describes the relationship between the critical temperature (T*) of cluster disruption in magnetic fluid and the frequency of applied AC filed (f) is presented. Then the model stated above is verified by the experimental curve of AC applied field frequency (f) and the critical temperature (T*). At last, thermal dynamic behavior of magnetic fluid dependence of excitation field frequency is described.
By measuring the inverse susceptibility-temperature curves of stock magnetic fluid sample and its diluted sample (1:1.25, 1:2 and 1:5), the critical temperature of cluster
disruption, the relative content and the ratio
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