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- - I - 摘 要 隧道的开挖方式与多种影响因素有关,合理的开挖方式对隧道围岩的稳定性有着极其 重要的意义。大南沟隧道是张承高速公路中的隧道之一,由于大南沟隧道所属环境极为复 杂,基于模糊数学模糊综合评判理论,综合考虑影响大南沟隧道的各种影响因素,合理的 确定大南沟隧道的开挖方式。 基于 ANSYS 有限元模拟分析软件,根据模糊数学所确定的大南沟隧道的开挖方式对 大南沟隧道左线(LK24+418~ LK24+470)段隧道开挖方式进行模拟分析,通过模拟分析确 定大南沟隧道开挖后的应力分布状态和变形特征,从而指导大南沟隧道的施工。 隧道围岩变形是一个极其复杂的过程,隧道拱顶的沉降量和隧道围岩水平收敛值是反 映隧道围岩稳定性的指标,所以能够预测隧道拱顶沉降量和围岩水平收敛值有着极其重要 的作用。隧道内部变形是一个复杂的分线性系统,利用一般的数学方法难以确定拱顶下沉 值。基于 MATLAB 神经网络工具箱,基于 BP 神经网络、Elman 神经网络对大南沟隧道 LK24+448 断面的拱顶下沉位移和周边水平收敛进行了预测。由于各种神经网络都有其各 自的优良特点,因此基于模糊模式识别进行了模糊优选,选择合适的神经网络,并预测了 大南沟隧道该断面的拱顶下沉和水平收敛变形值,从而确定该段隧道的二次衬砌时间,指 导大南沟隧道的施工。 关键词:模糊数学; ANSYS;神经网络;拱顶下沉位移;周边水平收敛;模式识 别 - - II - Abstract The tunnel excavation is effected by a variety of factors. The reasonable excavation way has an extremely important on stability of surrounding rock. Danangou tunnel is one of the tunnel in Zhang Cheng highway and the surrounding environment of Danangou tunnel is complex. Considering the various impact factors, fuzzy mathematical is used for choosing tunnel excavation method. ANSYS finite element method is adopted to analysis and simulation of the surrounding rock pressure and of deformation tunnel. The excavation method of the left lane in Danangou sections (LK24+418~ LK24+470) can be simulated by ANSYS finite element method, which is chose based on fuzzy mathematical. The surrounding rock pressure and deformation of Da Nan Gou tunnel can be obtained by calculating based on ANSYS finite element method in order to guide construction of the tunnel. Tunnel design and construction is different from ground engineering, which is affected by many factors. Crown settlement and convergence deformation of tunnel is the foundation of design of the tunnel so that the prediction of crown settlement has a crucial role. Internal deformation of the tunnel is a complex sub-linear systems, it is difficult to determine the tunnel sink by the general mathematical methods. Combining with the MATLAB mathematical software, the value of Crown settlement and c



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