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PAGE 摘 要 公路路基边坡作为公路的一个重要组成部分,它的稳定性和耐久性直接影响着道路的使用性能。公路路基边坡的失稳造成了行车事故与经济损失,对公路交通基础设施造成极大损失。 本文采用FLAC对土质高路基边坡建立模型,经对其位移、应力和变形进行分析知边坡的横、竖向位移分别达到125mm和175mm,处于欠稳定状态。随后,将此路基边坡的坡形由直线型改为折线式并设置台阶,并且减缓了坡率,再次对其进行稳定性分析,发现,稳定系数由原来的1.01提高到1.58,由欠稳定边坡变为稳定边坡;横、竖向位移分别达到7.5 mm 和60mm,比原始路基边坡的位移值分别减少了94%和65.7%, 由于FLAC采用有限差分法,所占内存小,计算过程简洁,充分显示出数值模拟方法在解决路基边坡稳定性问题的重要理论价值和实用价值。 关键词:土质路基边坡,稳定性分析,FLAC,数值模拟 关键词:土质路基边坡,稳定性分析,FLAC,数值模拟 Abstract Roadbed slope is an important component of the highway.Key words:soil roadbed slope, stability analysis, FLAC, numerical simulation The stability of highway roadbed slope directly affects the stability and durability of the road performance. Roadbed slope instability caused traffic accidents and economic loss, especially great losses for road transport infrastructure. Key words:soil roadbed slope, stability analysis, FLAC, numerical simulation In this paper, the FLAC model will be established on the high roadbed soil slope, and analyze the displacement, stress and deformation. It turns out that the lateral displacement and the vertical displacement of the roadbed slope respectively reach 125mm and 175mm and it’s less stable. Subsequently, this slope shape will be replaced from a line to a broken line and two steps will be set on the slope. Besides, the slope ratio is reduced. Then FLAC analyzes its stability again, and the result is that the stability factor of the roadbed slope increases from 1.01 to 1.58, the slope becomes stable slope from the less stable, the lateral displacement and the vertical displacement of the roadbed slope respectively are 7.5mm and 60mm, reduced by 94% and 65.7%, which proves Since FLAC takes finite difference method, accounts for a small memory and simple calculation process, numerical simulation shows fully important theoretical and practical value in solving the stability of the soil roadbed slope. 目 录 TOC \o 2-3 \h \z \t 标题 1,1,标题00,1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc1631040621 引言 5 HYPERLINK \l _Toc1631040632 国内外研究现状 6 HYPER


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