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精品 摘 要 ZPW-2000型自动闭塞是一种具有国际先进水平的新型自动闭塞,它对于保证区间行车安全,提高区段通过能力,起着非常显著的作用。 ZPW-2000移频自动闭塞有着诸多优点,它克服了UM71系统在传输安全性和传输长度上存在的问题,解决了轨道电路全程断轨检查,调谐区死区长度,调谐单元断线检查,拍频干扰防护等技术难题。延长了轨道电路长度。采用单片机和数字信号处理技术,提高了抗干扰能力。 本设计对ZPW-2000型无绝缘轨道电路的系统结构组成,系统的电路原理,系统测试和轨道电路的调整以及自动闭塞系统在站间站内的应用都做出了详细的说明,重点设计了ZPW-2000系统的的内部电路结构,包括电气绝缘节,发送器,接收器,衰耗盘,防雷模拟网络盘,匹配变压器,补偿电容等,文章主要分别设计了他们的内部各个模块的电路结构,阐述了其作用和构成原理. 关键词 ZPW-2000; 移频; 自动闭塞 ; Abstract ZPW type - 2000 automatic block is an internationally advanced level of new automatic block, it is to ensure safety, improve the interval, the carrying capacity plays a very significant role. ZPW - 2000 frequency shift automatic block has many advantages, it overcomes the UM71 system in transmission safety and transmission length, solve the problems existing in the whole course of track circuit fault zone, tuning, dead zone length tuning unit break check, frequency interference protection, etc. Extend the length of track circuit. The MCU and digital signal processing technology, improve the anti-interference ability. The design of ZPW type - 2000 without insulation track circuit system structure, system of the circuit principle, system test track circuit and the adjustment and automatic block system in standing between the application within the station has made a detailed description of the key design, ZPW - 2000 the system of internal circuit structure, including electrical insulation, transmitter and receiver, the attenuation, lightning, matching simulating network transformer, compensation capacitor, etc, this paper respectively their interior design of each module circuit structure, expounds its function and principle. Key words ZPW type - 2000;frequency shift;automatic block; 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 第1章 绪 论 PAGEREF _To\h 1 第2章 ZPW-2000A无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统的概况 2.1 ZPW-2000A型无绝缘轨道电路的特点 PAGEREF _To\h 2 2.2 ZPW-2000A型无绝缘轨道电路系统构成 PAGEREF _To\h 4 2.2.1 室外部分 PAGEREF _To\h 4 2.2.2 室内部分 PAGEREF _To\h 5 2.3 ZPW-2000A



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