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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 Their Enduring Idea How they are Differentiated How they are Primarily Experienced Who they Serve THE CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE THE CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE 1. STRATEGY 2. COMMUNICATIONS PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 12 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 13 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 “A lot of things have changedand Apple is totally “A lot of things have changed and Apple is totally different But values and core values, those things shouldnt change. “The things that Apple believed in at its core are the same things Apple really stands for today.” 1993-2015 2015- “A conglomerate, by definition, is a large corporation with diversified product lines…. The trick with conglomerates is to manage those diverse businesses in ways that create meaningful and relevant scale. Today, this almost always means drawing on the most distinctive, most significant capabilities that the company has — on the things it does particularly well. This glue, what we call coherence, is one of the primary drivers of success for organizations, regardless of how diverse they may seem to be, and it may, in fact, make all the difference for a conglomerate’s survival.” Harvard Business Review, 06-12-2012 /2012/06/the-coherent-conglomerate /sites/christinemoorman/2013/01/29/marketing-in-a-technology-company-ges-organizational-platform-for-innovation/#68a909ce62c9 /sites/christinemoorman/2013/01/29/marketing-in-a-technology-company-ges-organizational-platform-for- innovation/#68a909ce62c9 GENERAL ELECTRIC : : Innovation /2015/08/the-branding-logic-behind-googles-creation-of-alphabetVIRGIN GROUP /2015/08/the-branding-logic-behind-googles-creation-of-alphabet VIRGIN GROUP : : Creativity PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 16 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 13 1. 2. 3. 4. /a14256911_0.shtml PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 20 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 19 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 13 / INTELLIGENCE RE-STRUCTURING GLOCALIZATION 3.0 +” 4.0 // // // EMS // /


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