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抽油机功率平衡系统的设计 摘 要 我国的油田多为低渗透的低能、低产油田,大部分油田要靠注水压油入井,再靠抽油机把油从地层中提升上来。以水换油、以电换油是我国油田的现实,电费在我国的石油开采中占了很大比例。因此石油行业十分重视节能。在我国石油开采中,机械采油井占绝大多数,其中有杆采油占总机械采油的90%以上,所以研究有杆抽油设备的节能对于减少能耗具有重大意义。 由于抽油机载荷的不平衡性,使电机大多数情况下处于轻载状态,电能的利用率低,能耗增加,因此抽油机的平衡对于节能降耗十分重要。 本文诣在通过调整抽油机的平衡提高电能利用率,减少能耗。 首先,在有杆抽油系统的结构和工作原理的基础上,根据抽油机的平衡条件和平衡准则,对油田在役的常规抽油机进行平衡分析和计算。 然后,在对游梁式抽油机进行动力学分析的基础上,根据机械系统的力学原理,将整个系统简化为一个等效动力学模型,分析扭矩变化情况。当抽油机的改变平衡点时,可在扭矩变化的基础上重新调整抽油机的平衡。 最后,组建了一个监测抽油机运行情况的系统,该系统以捷尼特为核心器件,可以监测抽油机的电流、电压、功率因数、功率等参数,根据测得参数可以查看抽油机的工作状态,当抽油机的工作状态不平衡时,可以根据上述的扭矩变化情况来重新调整它的平衡。 整个设计的核心是平衡的计算,在不增加成本的基础上,通过调整平衡块的质量和半径,使抽油机处于平衡状态,实现了节能增效。因此,本成果对调整抽油机平衡有很强的实际意义,成本不变的同时增加了其可行性。 关键词: 抽油机,平衡,功率,扭矩 The Design of Pumping unit Power Balance System Author:RenShan Tutor:JinWei Abstract The oil fields in our country are low-press and low-yielding .in most cases, ,the oil enters into the well under the press produced by water,and then elevated from the stratum up to the ground.the reality of Chinas oil fields is that we obtain oil production by means of injecting water and consuming a lot of electricity,so electricity fee takes a large proportion.So the oil industry attaches great importance to energy conservation.In the petroleum exploitation of China, the overwhelming majority of oil production wells is mechanical The quantity of rod-having pump unit is over over ninety percent of the whole quantity of the equipments of oil extraction in oil field.Therefore the study of pumping equipment to reduce energy consumption plays an important role. As the pumping load is out of balance., in most cases the motor is in light-load condition, so it is of lower efficiency and higher electricity consumption rate. The balance of pumping units is very important for energy saving. This article is aimed at increasing the pumping power utilization rate and reducing energy consumption through the adjustment of the pumping units. First of all, on the basis of rod-having pump system’s structure and working principle we complete the



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