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专科生毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE II 摘要 社会进入了信息网络时代,人们对汽车的要求不再满足于一种代步工具,更希望汽车是生活及工作范围的一种延伸,在汽车上就像在自己的办公室和家里一样工作和生活。而发动机是汽车行驶系统的重要组成部分,它的性能优劣将直接影响汽车的动力、平顺性、安全性、稳定性等。 电喷发动机,即 “EFI engine”, 电喷发动机是采用电子控制装置,取代传统的机械系统(如化油器)来控制发动机的供油过程。 如 HYPERLINK /view/19916.htm \t _blank 汽油机电喷系统就是通过各种传感器将发动机的温度、空燃比油门状况、发动机的转速、负荷、曲轴位置、车辆行驶状况等信号输入电子控制装置,电子控制装置根据这些信号参数.计算并控制发动机各气缸所需要的喷油量和喷油时刻,将汽油在一定压力下通过喷油器喷入到进入气管中雾化。并与进入的空气气流混合,进入燃烧室燃烧.从而确保发动机和催化转化器始终工作在最佳状态。这种由电子系统控制将燃料由喷油器喷入发动机进气系统中的发动机称为电喷发动机。 本文首先在绪论介绍了电喷发动机对汽车动力性的课题背景及研究意义,第二章介绍电喷发动机的结构和工作原理,指出电喷发动机的重要性. 第三章直接检测电喷发动机所引起汽车动力不足,介绍了各种检查发动机部件的方法如检查油路情况,检查发动机零件情况,检查发动机内传感器,检查发动机电路情况等。 四、五章着重描述了论文的主题:电喷发动机引起汽车动力不足机理分析,最后阐述了未来电喷发动机的发展趋势。 关键词:电喷发动机, EFI engine,汽车动力性,电喷发动机检测 Abstract Society into the information network era, the requirements of the vehicle no longer be satisfied with a means of transport, but also want to live and work car is an extension of the scope, in the car like in their own office and home work and life.And the engine is the automobile travel system important constituent, its performance will directly affect the cars power, ride comfort, security, stability. Electric fule injection engine , that EFI engine, Electronic Fuel Injection engine electronic control unit is used to replace the traditional mechanical systems (such as the carburetor) engine oil to control the process. Such as Electronic Fuel Injection System is through a variety of sensors to the engine temperature, throttle position air-fuel ratio, engine speed, load, crankshaft position, vehicle driving conditions such as signal input electronic control devices, electronic control device parameters based on these signals. Calculation and control of engine cylinder fuel injection quantity and the required injection time, under a certain pressure gasoline injector spray through into the trachea into the spray. And mixed with incoming air flow to enter the combustion chamber. To ensure that the engine and catalytic converter working in optimal condition. Controlled by


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