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摘 要 随着嵌入式系统的迅猛发展,嵌入式系统广泛地运用于各个领域中,如:智能家居、手持设备,工业系统等诸多领域。嵌入式系统的资源有限,对资源十分敏感,因此要求嵌入式GUI必须占用十分少的系统资源,而目前应用于嵌入式系统中的中文输入法都占用很多的资源,导致系统运行缓慢,很是影响用户的体验。因此,目前国内外的用户都殷切盼望出现一种系统级的、占用系统资源少的、轻量级的嵌入式中文输入法。诺基亚公司开发了一款面向嵌入式系统的Qt版本:Qt/E,是当前嵌入式GUI开发者比较青睐的开发工具,广泛运用于手持电子设备的开发中。然而,目前国内外在Qt/E平台下开发的嵌入式中文输入法,是基于X lib库的,占用很多的系统资源,不是非常人性化。 基于上述背景,本文开发了一种轻量级的中文输入法,该中文输入法是基于Qt/E平台的。该输入法具有良好的移植性和超强的扩展性的,然而它没有增加系统的开销,使用户可以方便,快捷地输入中文汉字、英文字母和各种标点符号。 本文首先阐述了开发嵌入式中文输入法的意义以及研究现状,接着介绍了需要用到的几个相关的技术,最后介绍了软件的设计和实现的各个阶段的主要工作和相关文档。 关键词:嵌入式;Qt/E;中文输入法 Abstract With the rapid development of embedded system, the embedded system is widely used in many fields, such as, intelligent household, handheld devices, industrial system, etc. Embedded system limited resources, is very sensitive to resources, therefore, ask embedded GUI must occupy little system resources, and currently applied to the Chinese input method embedded system is take a lot of resources, cause the system running slowly, very user experience is influence. Therefore, the users at home and abroad are anxious appear a system level, occupies system resources less, lightweight embedded Chinese input method. Nokia has developed a paragraph of embedded system oriented version: Qt/E series, is the current embedded GUI developers prefer development tools, widely used in the development of portable electronics. However, both at home and abroad in Qt/E the workbench development embedded Chinese input method, is based on the X the lib library, take a lot of system resources, not very humane. Based on the background, this paper developed a lightweight Chinese input method, this Chinese input method is based on the Qt/E platform. The input method has good portability and strong expansibility, but it has not increased system overhead, the user can convenient, quick to enter Chinese characters, English letters and various punctuation. This article elaborates the significance of developing embedded Chinese input method and the research status, then introdu



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