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PAGE II PAGE III 毕 业 设 计 题目 日投2400张黄牛皮纳帕鞋面革工厂设计 学 生: 学 号: 院 (系): 专 业: 指导教师: 年 月 日 日投2400张黄牛皮纳帕鞋面革工厂设计 摘 要 本设计是日投2400张黄牛皮纳帕鞋面革工厂设计,厂址选在广西贵港港龙明珠环保皮革工业城。本设计主要对当前国内外皮革行业形势进行了简单的分析,以成品的标准以及环保对生产的要求对工艺进行了详细的论证,并以优先选择国产设备,选用钢架结构厂房建立工厂。本工厂全场占地45亩,总员工230人,普通工人203人,管理人员及技术人员27人。单张皮加工完成耗费化料价格138.5元,耗水0.466吨,耗电3.65度,耗气17.8千克。设备总投资费用1187.26万元,预计年盈利11406.5万元。工厂配备的完整的污水处理设施,可保证污水排放达到国家标准,以适应新时期企业发展要求。 关键词:黄牛皮,生产工艺,鞋面革,工厂设计 The Design of a Light Leather Factory Manufactures 2400 pieces of Cattle Hide (Upper Leather) daily ABSTRACT This design is about a tannery, which can produce 2400 pieces of cattle hide leather (Upper leather) every day. The site selected in Guigang Guangxi Dragon Pearl green leather industrial city. This design make a simple analysis of the current situation about the leather industry at home and abroad, and a detailed argument to the finished product standards and environmental protection requirements on the production process, and to give priority to domestic equipment, the choice of a steel frame structure plant to build factories. The factory The factory The factory covers an area of 4545 acres,employs 230 people, 203 ordinary workers, 27 managers and technical staff. Each of leather that processing compeleted consumption chemical materials worth 138.5 yuan., and water consumption 0.466 t, power consumption 3.65 degrees, gas consumption of 17.8 kg. Total equipment investment costs 11.8726 million yuan , the profit is 114.065 million yuan each year.The plant is equipped with a complete sewage treatment facilities, ensure that the sewage to reach the national standard, and to adapt to the new era enterprise development requirements. KEY WORDS: cattle hide, production process, upper Leather, plant design 目 录 PAGE IV PAGE V 摘 要 I ABSTRACT II TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc327177898 1绪 论 PAGEREF _Toc327177898 \h 1 HYPER


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