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聲音 .電子 .概念與創作 李勁松(香港) 1989 年李勁松以平面設計學生身份,成為香港首家獨立音樂廠牌創立人之一。 1992 年開始創作聲音作品,後來以製作人身份參與一百多張專輯的製作和出 版,並以聲音藝術家身份在台前演出,為電影、現代舞、實驗影像配樂,廣泛參 與世界各地藝術、文化、音樂活動的策展、監製、製作、交流等,通過不同藝術 專案和多個音樂組合,在亞洲和歐洲以出版、表演、展覽等形式活躍至今。 Sound .Electronic Music .Concept Creation Dickson Dee (Hong Kong) As a graphic design student back in 1989, Dickson Dee became one of the founders of the first indie music label in Hong Kong. He started creating sound works in 1992 and, as a producer, has participated in the production and release of more than 100 albums to date. He also performs on stage as a sound artist and composes scores for film, modern dance, and experimental video, involved extensively with curating, producing and cultural exchange. An active and prolific artist, Dee is widely seen in art projects and multiple music groups, his works launched, performed, exhibited in Asia and Europe. 泉州南音 蔡雅藝(福建泉州) 出生南音世家的蔡雅藝,從小受到母親與民間南音樂師的藝術感染,從閩南民間 土壤得到滋養,有系統地研習南音,與它結緣三十餘年。由於深諳南音的文化內 涵、以至它在現代社會中的困境,2012 年,蔡氏從新加坡回到泉州,先後創立 「南音雅藝」推廣平台和南音雅藝文化館,走進不同場所空間分享南音,有別於 以往只局限在傳統社團裡。近年,南音雅藝初步實現了南音的跨方言地區傳播, 獲得不少青年人的喜愛與支持,無論是否閩南語系的,都能共唱一曲。 Quanzhou Nanyin Cai Yayi (Quanzhou, Fujian Province) Cai Yayi, surrounded by nanyin since she was born, was constantly exposed to and influenced by the art of her mother and other nanyin masters. She was nourished on the soil of Fujian in Southern China. Later, she studied systematically and has been in close ties with it for more than 30 years. Well aware of nanyin’s riches and its predicament in modern society, Cai returned to Quanzhou from Singapore in 2012 and founded the promotional platform “Nanyin Yayi” and the Nanyin Yayi Culture Museum. Instead of confining herself to traditional nanyin communities, she chose to reach a wider audience through different channels. In recent years, Nanyin Yayi Musical Association has stretched its reach beyond


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