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摘要 目前我国许多煤矿矿井已经转向中、深部开采,矿井提升设备作为煤矿的关键设备,在矿井机械化生产中占有重要地位。制动器是提升机(提升绞车)的重要组成部分之一,直接关系着提升机设备的安全运行。 多绳摩擦提升机具有体积小、质量轻、安全可靠、提升能力强等优点,适用于较深的矿井提升。本文针对JKMD型(4.5米4多绳摩擦轮)提升机,对其制动系统和滚筒进行设计。 在对提升机的制动器选型过程中,因盘式制动器是近年来应用较多的一种新型制动器,它以其独特的优点及良好的安全性能被广大用户认可,特别是在结合了液压系统和PLC 控制之后,液压系统和PLC 超强的控制性能为盘式制动器的应用提供了巨大的工作平台。制动盘的制动力,靠油缸内充入油液而推动活塞来压缩盘式弹簧来实现。 液压盘式制动器作为必威体育精装版一种制动器,具有许多优点,所以它在现代多种类型提升机中获得广泛的应用。它具有制动力大、工作灵活性稳定、敏感度高等特点,对生产安全具有重要意义。 关键词:提升机;多绳摩擦;制动器;设计;液压传动。 Abstract Currently many of our coal mine has turned to deep mining. Mine coal upgrading equipment as the key equipment holds an important position in mechanized production of the mine. The brakes are one of the important components of a direct bearing on Hoist the safe operation of equipment. Multi-rope friction hoist with small size, light weight, safe, reliable, and strong ability to upgrade apply to the deeper mine hoist. In this paper, the braking system for JKMD type (4.5 meters over four-rope friction round) hoist have been designed. In the hoist brake selection process, because in recent years disc brake is used in the new brakes Its unique strengths and good safety performance recognized by the majority of users. Especially in the light of the hydraulic control system and the PLC, Hydraulic System and PLC super performance of the disc brake provides a tremendous platform for the work. Brake disc braking force and rely on the fuel tank filled with oil that drives the piston to compress spring to achieve Disc. Hydraulic disc brakes as the latest development of a brake, which has many advantages. Therefore it in a modern aircraft types to upgrade gain wider application. It is the braking force, flexibility stability, high sensitivity; on production safety is of great significance. Keywords: Hoist; Multi-rope friction; Brake; Design; Hydraulic drive. 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \u 前言 PAGEREF _Toc295395578 \h 1 1 矿井提升设备 PAGEREF _Toc295395579 \h 3 1.1 提升机的定义 PAGEREF _Toc295395580 \h 3 1.2 提升机的分类 PAGEREF _Toc295395581 \h 3 1.2.1 按用途分 PAGER


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