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;;;The series is part of The Voice TV Show and is based on the Netherlands program The Voice of Holland won by Ben Saunders. The Voice is a multinational singing competition television. The series started in the Netherlands as The Voice of Holland in 2010. Many other countries have adapted the format and began airing their national versions in 2011 and 2012.;;Format 赛制;Blind Audition;Battle Phase ;Live Stage Shows;The End;;The trend of The Voice; VOA;The Voice Australia;The voice of UK;The voice of Holland(Kids);brand strategies of VOC 品牌策略;1. Meeting the needs (迎合需求);2.Accurate Judgements 定位准确;3.High Standards 高标准;4.Arouse Resonance 引起共鸣;5.The Effect of Celebrity名人效应;Ads benefit;加多宝6000万豪赌打包冠名权 “钱花得值;中国好声音变身摇钱树 仅凭广告赚2000万 ;However..; Players identity is being questioned ;;中国版阿黛尔郑虹虽然没有傲人的外表,却凭借她独特的嗓音让全场惊呼。身材微胖的她,用蓝色格子衬衫搭配黑色长???,不过,日前有网友曝光一段视频,在这段视频中郑虹以浓重的烟熏妆出现,顿时,对郑虹的质疑声鹊起。在视频中,浓妆艳抹的造型让她看上去十分成熟,与蓝格衬衫、看上去宁静的形象大相径庭,而发布这段视频的网友吐槽道:“如果真是同一人,她可以拿奥斯卡影后了”。 Though she is not pretty,zhenghong won the applause through her unique voice.However,according to a video on the Internet,zhenghong appeared in front of us with a totally different image:smoky eyes.Some people said it is amazing that she was capable of becoming the best actress in Oscar.;;


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