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《高级宏学教学资料》ch 3
* * Chapter 3ENDOGENOUS GROWTH本章主题:研究技术进步或知识积累(A)的内生性 * * SOME BASIC INFORMATION (1)If r=f (k), and αk is modest, then capital accumulation cannot account for a large part of either long-run or cross-country income differences. (2)The effectiveness of labor (A) is the only determinant of income, whose behavior is taken as exogenous. (3)The effectiveness of labor (A) is explicitly interpreted as knowledge, and knowledge accumulation is endogenous. (4) Knowledge accumulation is probably central to worldwide growth. (5)Much of the variation in income across countries comes from differences in output for given amounts of physical and human capital. * * §3.1 Framework and Assumptions Assumptions (1)The effectiveness of labor (A) represents knowledge or technology, there are two sectors, an RD sector; a goods-producing sector. (2)Two other major simplifications: First, both the RD and goods production function are C-D function; second, the model takes the s, αK and αL as exogenous and constant. * * Assumptions (3) Fraction ak of the capital stock is used in the RD sector and fraction 1- ak in the goods-producing sector; fraction aL of the labor force is used in the RD sector and fraction 1- aL in the goods-producing sector. (4)The quantity of output produced at time t is thus: 物质生产部门的生产函数 * * 知识生产(RD)部门的生产函数 知识生产部门的生产函数取消了报酬不变的假定, 因而可能存在报酬递减或报酬递增两种可能性。 The parameter θ reflects the effect of the existing stock of knowledge on the success of RD (3.2) * * (5)As in the Solow model, the saving rate is exogenous and constant, depreciation is set to zero. (6)Population growth is treated as exogenous. (7)Without capital for the moment. α=0,β=0 (3.3) (3.4) * * §3.2 The Model without Capital The production for output becomes: The production for new knowledge is now: We then focus on the dynamics of A: (3.5) (3.6) * * Taking logs of both sides, then differentiating the two sides with respect to time t, yields: θ1 or θ1 or θ=1 (3.9) (3.8) (3.7) * * · The dynamic
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