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Rope by Katherine Anne Porter On the third day after they moved to the country he came walking back from the village carrying a basket of groceries and a twenty-four-yard coil of rope. She came out to meet him, wiping her hands on her green smock. Her hair was tumbled, her nose was scarlet with sunburn; he told her that already she looked like a born country woman. His gray flannel shirt stuck to him, his heavy shoes were dusty. She assured him he looked like a rural character in a play. 他们搬到乡下的第三天,他从村上走回来,提着一篮吃的,还有一卷二十四码长的绳子。她一边在身上的绿罩衣上擦手,一边走出来接他。她的头发乱蓬蓬,鼻子给太阳晒得通红;他跟她说,她看起来已经像个土生土长的乡下女人了。他的灰色法兰绒衬衫紧紧地粘在身上,沉重的皮鞋上尽是尘土。她完全有把握地告诉他,他看上去好像戏剧中的乡巴佬角色。 Had he brought the coffee? She had been waiting all day long for coffee. They had forgot it when they ordered at the store the first day. 他带咖啡来了吗?她等咖啡已经等了整整一天了。他们第一天向食品铺订货的那会儿,把咖啡忘了。 Gosh, no, he hadnt. Lord, now hed have to go back. Yes, he would if it killed him. He thought, though, he had everything else. She reminded him it was only because he didnt drink coffee himself. If he did he would remember it quick enough. Suppose they ran out of cigarettes? Then she saw the rope. What was that for? Well, he thought it might do to hang clothes on, or something. Naturally she asked him if he thought they were going to run a laundry? They already had a fifty-foot line hanging right before his eyes? Why, hadnt he noticed it, really? It was a blot on the landscape to her. 啊呀,没有,他没带来。主啊,现在他只得回去了。可不是,哪怕是要他的命,他也会回去的。不过,他以为其他的东西他都办来了。她提醒这只因为他自己不喝咖啡。他要是喝咖啡的话,很快就会记起来的。假定说他们的烟卷抽完了,那会怎么样呢?接着她看到了绳。那有什么用?哦,他想,绳可以用来晾衣服,或是用在别的什么上。她顺理成章地问他,他是不是以为他们要开洗衣铺?他们不是已经明明有一条五十英尺长的绳挂在他的眼前了吗?嘿,难道他真的没看到吗?对她来说,这条绳破坏了风景。 He thought there were a lot of things a rope might come in handy for. She wanted to know what, for instance. He thought a few seconds, but nothing occurred. They could wait and see, couldnt they? You need all sorts of strange odds and ends around a place in the country. She said, yes, that was so; but she thought just at that time when every pen



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