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292 No.2 Vol.29 2 0 0 7 6  Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment   Jun.20 0 7 田景春, 彭 军, 陈高武, 张 翔, 聂永生, 赵 强, 韦东晓 ( , 610059) :, 、, , 4 (SQ1、SQ2、SQ3、SQ4)3 , ; , 。、, 。 :;;;; :P618.130.2;TE121.3 :A  :1672-6561(2007)02-0130-07 ResearchesonSequences Stratigraphy of DonghetangFormation in TarimBasin T IAN Jing-chun, PENG Jun, CHEN Gao-wu, ZHANG Xiang, NIE ong-sheng, ZHAO Qiang, WEI Dong-xiao (S t ate K ey L abor atory of Oi l an d Gas R eser voi r Geo logy and E x p loit ati on, Cheng du Uni v ersi ty of Tech no logy , Cheng d u 610059, S ich uan, Ch ina) Abstract:Based on lots of observation of outcrops, cores and well logs, the Donghetang Formation was divided into four III-grade sequences, SQ1, SQ2, SQ3 and SQ4.The different constitutions of system tracts of different sequences in different areas were discussed, the sequence contrast was studied, from which the different development degree among sequences in different stratigraphic areas can be find.In order to reflect the development and distributing rules of the sequences of Donghetang Formation, the sequence stratigraphic framework models of W-E and N-S direction were set up. Keywords:Tarim Basin;Donghetang Formation;sequence classification;sequence contrast;sequence strati- graphic framework [1 3] 。 0  ,、 、, 1990 , 1989 1 , 。 3 389 m /d , 。 , ———, 。( , )、、 、、  :2006-07-24  :(XBKT 2004K -05040)  :(1963-), , , , 、、。E-mail:tjc@cdut.edu.cn 2             , : 131 ,21 ~383m。, 4 (SQ1、SQ2、SQ3、SQ4) 、, 3 (1、2、3,2)。, 、, 、( (1)。 )


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