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第 24 卷第 10 期 计 算 机 应 用 研 究 Vol. 24 No. 10 2007 年 10 月 Application Research of Computers Oct. 2007 嵌入式 Linux 平台上 USB 传输带宽冲突的研究 * 程 科, 李 毅 ( 电子科技大学 计算机科学与工程学院, 成都 610054) 摘 要: 通过介绍 USB 主机驱动的体系结构以及 USB 摄像头的工作原理, 研究和分析了实际系统中 USB 摄像 头和 USB 鼠标数据传输带宽冲突所造成的花屏、死机的问题和原因。从减小冲突的影响和降低传输带宽需求 这两个方面出发, 提出并实现了三种解决 USB 传输带宽冲突问题的方法。实验证明, 综合使用这三种方法就能 够有效地解决带宽冲突带来的花屏、死机问题, 使 USB 摄像头和 USB 鼠标在复杂的实际应用系统环境中能够正 常地协同工作。 关键词: 通用串行总线; 带宽冲突; Linux 中图分类号: TP311 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1001- 3695( 2007) 10- 0279- 03 Research of USB transfers bandwidth collision on embedded Linux platform CHENG Ke, LI Yi ( School of Computer Science Engineering, University of Electronic Science Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China) Abstract: This paper introduced the architecture of USB host system driver and the working flow of the USB camera, and in- vestigated the reason of the USB camera and USB mouse ’s data transfers bandwidth collision. The collision destroied the image data which was transferred from the USB camera and caused the system breakdown. The paper gave three methods about wea- kening the influence of the collision and reducing the request of the transfer bandwidth to deal with the problem. The result of the experimentation proves the integration of three methods can effectively solve the bandwidth collision and makes USB camera and USB mouse work together normally. Key words: USB; bandwidth collision; Linux 块。其主要功能有: 主机控制器初始化; 为 USB 驱动 ( USBD) 0 引言 层提供相应的接口函数; 提供根 hub 的设备配置、控制功能;


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