畸形儿 英文新.ppt

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畸形儿 英文新

1、Hereditary deformity Under normal circumstances consanguineous marriages are more opportunities to produce deformed children   2、Because the drug factor Teratogenic substances during pregnancy can lead to fetal malformations . 3、Malformations caused by rubella(风疹引起的畸形) Pregnant women suffering from rubella in early pregnancy, the baby may be born small head disease, cataracts, deafness, heart defects and other fetal malformations. 4、ABO cause(血型不合引起的畸形) Blood group incompatibility between mother and child, especially RH blood type, can cause miscarriage, stillbirth. 5、Other reasons Syphilis(梅毒) * Deformed Children 畸形儿 reason Genetic factors Non-genetic factors { (遗传因素) (非遗传因素) (近亲结婚) (几率) Jian City, the new dry countys cousins ??surnamed Li gave birth to deformed children after marriage. (致畸物质) This is a baby born in Zhejiang Province, the parents with long-term eating contaminated fish and seafood, and seafood and fish violations of toxic substances, and ultimately the formation of congenital malformations, a dolphin child (受污染的鱼) (白内障) (小头症) (聋子) (心脏畸形) (孕妇) Lianyungang Donghai County Green Town, a village of Miss Zhou Xing put on during pregnancy, rubella, and finally gave birth microcephaly children (血型不合) (流产) (死胎) → Congenital syphilis children (先天性梅毒儿) Parasites → Hydrocephalus(脑积水) caused by the bulk of the baby(大头婴儿) Pregnant women with diabetes (寄生虫) → (糖尿病孕妇) Huge children (巨大儿) *


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