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26 2 V o l. 26, N o. 2 2006 4 EARTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING AND ENG INEER ING V IBRAT ION A pr. 2006 : 1000- 1301 2006) 02- 0156- 05 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 刘占阁 , 栾茂田 , 王忠涛 1. , 116024; 2. , 116024) : , T erzagh i , , G reen, , , , : ; ; ; ; : P315. 952. 5; P751 : A Sim p lif ied p rocedure for evaluation of residual pore pressure respon se in layered seabed under w ave loading 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 L iu Zhange , Luan M aotian , W ang Zhongtao 1. Inst itute of G eotechn ical E ngineering, S chool of C ivil and H ydrau lic Engineering, D alian U n ivers ity of T echnology, D alian 116024, Ch ina; 2. State K ey Laboratory of C oastal and Of fshore E ngineering, D alian U nivers ity of T echnology, D al ian 116024, Ch ina) Abs tract: T he built-up pattern o f the pore w ater pressure of sand under undrained shearing induced by w ave loading is incorporated w ith the T erzagh is equation of conso lida tion to establish the generalized fo rm o f one-dmi ensional dy- nam ic conso lidation equation. T he Green s funct ion for the resu lting one-dmi ensional partia l differential equat ion to- ge ther w ith the g iven init ial and boundary cond itions is obta ined by applying the m athem a tica lm ethods. T he whole process o f generat ion and tmi e-dependent d issipa tion as w e


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