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第二屆資源工程研討會論文集 水化學資料應用於溫泉資源之研究 - 以馬槽溫泉為例 1 2 3 李京霖 、李振誥 、林宏奕 摘要 溫泉資源可用水量一直是亟欲了解的目標。為有效估計馬槽地區溫泉資源,地下水熱流及水流之流動行為 必須有具體之描述,而水化學資料則可在輔助模擬時驗證所需之資料,以供模擬參考,故本研究以馬槽溫泉區 蒸氣、溫泉水化學資料與岩心取樣資料探討溫泉水化學成份之應用。本研究以氯離子、硫酸根離子與二氧化矽 為主要指標性離子與化學成份,討論溫泉水可能之來源及其途徑,分析水中化學成份與地層之相關性。資料指 出普通輝石-紫蘇灰石角閃石安山岩可能為主要貯氣層,氯離子與硫酸根離子產量高,且可能具岩層孔隙或裂隙 供蒸氣貯存與流動。而利用二氧化矽於溫泉水中化學濃度代入二氧化矽地質溫度計計算公式,計算出 E-205號 井地底溫度約為 259℃,E-208號井約為 315℃,而 G-207號井則約為 162℃,與量測值之誤差百分比介於-7% 至 0.6%之間。 關鍵詞: 溫泉、水化學、指標性離子、二氧化矽、地質溫度計 ABSTRACT The hot spring reservoir is an interested but difficult to be estimated subject. The thermal-hydraulic simulation is a feasible approach to estimate the hot spring reservoir, but the temperature data is always short in cases. The hydro-chemical data and core samples are preferred to provide temperature and fluid flow data in simulation. The chlorine ion, sulphric ion and silica are the principle chemical indexes to describe the path that fluid passed and the source. The data from Ma-Cao area shows the hot spring with concentrated chlorine ion and sulphric ion may come from pyroxene-amphibole-andesite and it should be the major storage. Furthermore, silica concentration would relate to temperature and seem as a geological thermometer. The temperatures in the wells estimated by experimental equation are 315℃ in well E-208 and 162℃ in well E-207 and these results are very close to real values measured in wells. Keywords :hot spring, hydro-chemical, index anion, silica, geological thermometer 1國立成功大學資源工程學系碩士班研究生 2國立成功大學資源工程學系教授 3國立成功大學資源工程學系博士班研究生 23 第二屆資源工程研討會論文集


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