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环境污染及经济增长关系内在机理探究 利用2000?2010年11年的数据构建了综合污染指 数这一综合考量环境污染程度的指标,验证了中国环境库兹 涅茨曲线的存在并通过静态和动态分析结合的方法分析了 环境污染与经济增长之间的内在机理,分析结果认为存在一 种内在机制使EKC呈现出倒U型的形态。从正反两个方面研 究了经济规模变化、技术进步和经济结构变化对环境一经济 关系的影响。在肯定了 EKC形态的基础上对传统的环境库兹 涅茨曲线进行了修正。结果表明:随着经济的增长,经济发 :模式会被市场这只“看不见的手”自动地拉入到循环经 济的轨道中来,只要政府、企业和社会的共同努力就可以使 传统的EKC出现跳跃,创造一种新的“无峰型”环境库兹涅 茨曲线,从而完全规避掉触及“环境承载能力阀值”的风 险。 关键词:环境污染;库兹涅茨曲线;循环经济 分类号:F124. 5 A 1001-8409 (2012) 11-0074-06 Between the Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution Mechanism Research Based on the Empirical Analysis of Comprehensive Pollution Index YANG Linl, GAO Hong-xia2 (1. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084; 2. School of Economics , Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000) Abstract: This paper uses the 2000 to 2010 11 years data to build the comprehensive pollution index of the comprehensive consideration of environmental pollution index, show China Environmental Kuznets curve exists and through the analysis of static and dynamic analysis of the method of combining analysis of environmental pollution and economic growth between the inner mechanism, this paper analyses the results that there is an inherent mechanism of EKC displays inverted U shape. From positive and negative two aspects of research on economies of scale , technological progress and changes in economic structure change on the environment - economic relationship. In the EKC shape on the basis of traditional environmental Kuznets curve is corrected. Result shows that along with the economic growth, economic development pattern will be the market this “ invisible hand “ is automatically drawn into the path of circular economy in the past, as long as the government, enterprises and society together can make traditional EKC hop, to create a new ‘‘ peak “ environment Kuznets curve, so as to completely avoid touching the “ environmental carrying capacity threshold “ risk. Key words : environmental pollution ; kuznets curve; Circular economy 一、引言 和许多工业化国家一样,中国在走向工业化的过程中也 面临着环



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