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现代性何时进入犹太社会? 有关犹 太社会现代转型起点问题研究的演进 艾仁贵 河南大学以色列研宄中心 摘要: 犹太史学界在有关犹太社会现代转型起点问题的研宂上,经历丫科学主义、民族 主义、流散地本位、全球史的几重范式转变。19世纪初,主张融合和同化的犹 太教科学运动的学者将犹太社会现代转型的起点定在启蒙与解放上;20世纪上 半叶,坚持巴勒斯坦中心史观的“耶路撒冷学派”强调,现代犹太史并不始于 犹太人融入外邦主流社会,而始于犹太人与以色列故土重新恢复政治联系;而几 乎与此同时,东欧和美国等地的犹太历史学者主张犹太自治以及流散地犹太社 团的活力;进入20世纪80年代,随着全球史的兴起,注重联系与互动的研宂路 径又将转型的起点向前推至近代早期。透过近两个多世纪以来有关犹太社会现代 转型起点问题研究的演进脉络,可以看到不同时代的犹太史学家对于现代性的 冋应,同时可见时代主题和身份认同对历史分期的深刻影响。 关键词: 犹太社会现代转型;科学主义;民族主义;流散地本位;全球史; 基金:国家社科基金青年项目“以色列移民政策史研究”(项目编号47CSS013) 的阶段性成果 When Did Modernity Begin in Jewish Society? On the Historiography of the Modern Transformation of Jewish Society Ai Rengui Abstract: On the issue regarding when the modern transformation of Jewish society began, Jewish historiography has undergone several paradigm shifts as follows: scientism-nationalism-Diaspora standard-global history. At the beginning of the 19 th century, Wissenschaft scholars who advocated Jewish integration into mainstream society believed that modern transformation of Jewish society began with Haskalah and Emancipation. In the first half of the 20 th century, upholding the Palestino-centric historical view, the Jerusalem School stressed that modern Jewish history did not start with the integration of Jews into the mainstream foreign society, but began with the re-establishment of political ties between the Jews and their homeland. Almost at the same time, Jewish historians from Eastern Europe and the United States advocated Jewish autonomy and the vitality of the Jewish community in the Diaspora. Then from the 1980 s, with the rise of global history that focuses on contacts and interactions, scholars push the research into the early modern era for discussing Jewish modernity. The evolution of these different historiography paradigms has reflected various responses to modernity among Jewish historians of different ages. The historiography has registered the influence of the change of times and identity politics. 一、问题的提出 作为一个大流散民族,犹太人的历史进程存在巨大的不同步性,历史分期一直 是个莫衷一是的难题。自公


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