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本篇学位论文论证的中心为船舶留置权,探究了船舶留置权制度的相关法律问 题。以留置权的一般含义为基础展开,围绕着其界定,特征,种类与其他船舶物权之 间的区别联系以及受偿顺序问题进行了阐述,探宄船舶留置权的一些立法规定,立法 缺陷以及相关争议问题。 中国《海商法》的第二十五条规定,船舶留置权是指“造船人或修船人在合同另 一方未履行合同时,可以留置所占有的船舶,以保证造船费用或修船费用得以偿还的 权利”,由此可以看出该项权利是船舶使用人的债权由于某种原因而不能得到实现, 进而采取的一种留置手段,使预期的债权得以实现的一种做法,若债权不能得到满足, 就可以对该留罝物行使留罝权。海商法中的船舶留罝权的规定,是为了保护相关法律 关系中,船舶的制造人和修理人的合法权益,同时对于物权本身做出限制,对船舶优 先权做出限制。我们由此可知船舶留置权是法定产生的,同理留置权因法定而产生, 所以船舶留置权,木身具有一定的优先性,可以来对抗船舶所有人的物权。对船舶留 置权的研宄,有利于促进我国乃至世界范围内的有关法律理论体系的构建,有利于学 说□益完善,保护海事请求人的合法权益。本篇学位论文阐述Y留置权的含义、船舶 留置权的基木含义、适用范围、实现以及特性。然后分析了其他几种关于同一标的物 上,可能出现的儿种船舶物权,并就其顺序受偿的问题展开讨论。接着分析了中W《海 商法》屮的弊端之处。最后笔者针对以上问题提出了些许拙见,提供了一些可改进的 思路,旨在推动船舶留置权理论体系的完善。 关键词:留置权;船舶留置权;受偿顺序 Abstract This article is based onMaritime Law,ship in lien as the main content,in general meaning of lien based around the possessory lien definition,characteristics, types and different relationship between maritime lien, ship mortgage and priority issues discussed, research on ship right some of the legislation,legislative defects and related issues. In general,according to Maritime Law article twenty-fifth refers to ’’refers to the person or people in the shipbuilding ship repair contract the other party fails to perform the contract,can the possessory lien has to ensure, shipbuilding costs or repair costs to pay the right’’,we can see that this right is the use of human rights as a ship reason cannot be realized, and then take a lien means, making the expected debt will be a realization approach, if the creditor’s rights can not be satisfied,then the can use the right of lien on the lien in maritime law. Because Maritime Law own factors,leading to possessory lien and lien general not the same. The provisions of possessory lien, in order to protect the legal relationship in manufacturing of ship and repair the legitimate rights and interests, and to make restrictions on the property itself, ship priority restrictions. We therefore have the statutory lien of ship is similarly,lien arising from legal and so on ship the


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