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人文地理 2016,05(31),155-160 DOI:10.13959/j.issn. 1003-2398.2016.05.023 环境绩效与财务绩效关系区域比较研宄 来自重污染行业上市公司的实证 据 杨霞王乐娟 安外国语大学商学院 导出/参考文献关注 分亨 收藏打印 摘要: 由于经济环境、技术创新及环境政策等因素,我国区域间环境治理表现出一定的 差异性,不同区域企业环境绩效与财务绩效关系存在不同之处,因此有必要对两 者关系的区域差异进行研究。木文以2011—2014年重污染行业上市公司为样木, 实证检验了环境绩效和财务绩效关系以及不同区域间两者关系的表现。研究得出 环境缋效有助于提高财务缋效;同时环境缋效与财务缋效的关系存在显著的区域 差异,中东部地区环境绩效与财务绩效的正向关系大于四部地区,资源大谷企业 环境绩效与财务绩效的正向关系显著。研究结论为不同区域条件下政府与企业采 取针对性的环境治理措施提供了理论依据。 关键词: 环境绩效;财务绩效;区域比较; 作者简介:杨霞(1972—),女,山四芮城人,副教授,管理学博士,主耍研宄方向为 管理会计、成木管理。E-mail:yangxia@xisu. edu. cno 作者简介:王乐娟(1990—),女,山两运城人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为成木管 理。E-mai 1:wanglejuan0609@126. com。 收稿日期:2016-01-20 基金:陕西省社会科学基金项H(12Q088) COMPARISON OF REGIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE:EVIDENCE FROM CHINESE LISTED COMPANIES IN HEAVY POLLUTION INDUSTRIES YANG Xia WANG Le-juan Business School, XV an International Studies University; Abstract: This paper researches the relationship as well as in different regions based on the data of Chinese listed firms in heavy pollution industries form 2011 to 2014. Environmental performance is measured by the unit operating income discharging reduction, and financial performance is measured by return on equity. This paper divides all samples into different groups based on different regions. According to economic development level in different regions the samples are divided into the eastern region, the central region and the western region. According to resource abundance degree in different regions the samples arc divided into abundant resource provinces and non-abundant resource provinces. This paper finds that environmental performance could improve financial performance, the relationship in the central and eastern region is more positive than that in the western region, and the relationship is positive significantly in abundant resource province while the relationship is not that obvious in other provinces. It has its universality and national regional resources distribution in the western reg



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