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题目:现代企业采购管理发展趋势研究 现代企业采购管理发展趋势研究 [摘要]当大多数的企业把物流看作为宥效减低成本增加利润的万金油时,却往往忽略了采 购在商业组织中的价值。其实企业支付的很大一部分资金都是通过采购hd供应商支付,采购 成本的高低寅接影响企业的利润,这使得史多的企业来关注采购管理,关注如何降低企业的 采购成木。木文从现代企业采购概述方面简述Y企业采购管理的一些现状、W境和发展的方 向,重点阐述了现代企业的采购成木控制和采购质量管理方法以及未来采购的发展趋势。 [关键字]采购管理成木控制釆购趋势 Research of Development Tendency of Procurement Management [Abstract] When most of the companies to be seen as effective in reducing logistics costs and increase profits of snake oil, but often overlooked in the commercial value of the procurement organization. In fact, a large part of the funds paid by enterprises are paid to suppliers through the procurement, profit procurement costs directly affect the business, which makes more enterprises to focus on procurement management, concerned about how to reduce procurement costs. In this paper, an overview of the modern enterprise procurement outlined some aspects of the status quo corporate procurement management, direction and development difficulties, focusing on the modern enterprise procurement cost control and procurement of quality management methods and future trends procurement. [Key words] Procurement Management Cost Control Development Tendency of Procurement TOC \o 1-5 \h \z 弓I 言 5 HYPERLINK \l bookmark1 \o Current Document \h 一、 现代企业采购概述」 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark2 \o Current Document \h _ (-) ?业采购模式 6 HYPERLINK \l bookmark3 \o Current Document \h _ (二)现代企业采购模忒优化」 7 HYPERLINK \l bookmark4 \o Current Document \h 二、 现代企业采购管理 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark5 \o Current Document \h _ (一)采购成木控制 8 HYPERLINK \l bookmark6 \o Current Document \h _ (二)采购质景管理 11 三、 介业采购发展趋势 12 HYPERLINK \l bookmark7 \o Current Document \h _ (-)供应链管理模忒下的采购 12 HYPERLINK \l bookmark8 \o Current Document \h _ (二)供应链采购取代传统采购的必然性 13 HYPERLINK \l bookmark9 \o Current Document \h _ (三)供应链采购模式下的准时(JIT)采购 14 HYPERLINK \l bookmark10 \o Current Document \h 致谢语 15 引言 在过去的几年屮,所谓供应链的需求还只是被狭隘的定义于“物流”的概念范鬧,于是 乎一夜问纷纷冒出了众多的以物流为主要发展方向的公司,当然其中不乏W外的物流行业巨 头对U内物流业的探视。物流行业在短短几年间快速发展,其服务对丁?企业来说在一定程度 上达到了降低产


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