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?1 David Copperfields childhood
????1 大卫·科波菲尔的童年
????I was born at Blunderstone,in Suffolk, in the east of England,and was given my poor fathers name,David Copperfield. Sadly, he never saw me He was much older than my mother when they married, and died six months before I was born. My fathers death made my beautiful young mother very unhappy, and she knew she would find life extremely difficult with a new baby and no husband The richest and most important person in our family was my fathers aunt,Miss Betsey Trotwood. She had in fact been married once, to a handsome young husband. But because he demanded money from her, and sometimes beat her, she decided they should separate He went abroad, and soon news came of his death.
????Miss Trotwood bought a small house by the sea, and lived there alone, with only one servant. She had not spoken to my father since his marriage, because she considered he had made a mistake in marrying a very young girl But just before I was born, when she heard that my mother was expecting a baby, she came to visit Blunder- stone.
????It was a cold, windy Friday afternoon in March. My mother was sitting by the fire, feeling very lonely and unhappy, and crying a little. Suddenly a stern, strange-looking face appeared at the window.
????‘Open the door!’ ordered the sternfaced lady. My mother was shocked,but obeyed at once. ‘You must be David Copper fields wife,’said the lady as she entered.‘Im Betsey Trotwood. Youve heard of me?’
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