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HLM6 软件操作 中国人民大学统计学院 陈堰平 HLM6 的五个模块 The HLM program encompasses 5 modules that may be used to fit different types of models: ? The HLM2 module is used to fit two-level linear and non-linear (HGLM) models. It offers the widest array of special features, output, and hypothesis testing options. The HLM3 module is used to fit three-level linear and non-linear (HGLM) models. The range of features are similar to that of HLM2. The HMLM module allows estimation of multivariate normal models from incomplete data. Within the framework of HMLM, it is possible to estimate models having An unrestricted covariance structure, that is a full covariance matrix. A model with homogenous level-1 variance and random intercepts and/or slopes at level-2. A model with heterogeneous variances at level 1 (a different variance for each occasion) and random intercepts and/or slopes at level 2. A model that includes a log-linear structure for the level-1 variance and random intercepts and/or slopes at level 2. A model with first-order auto-regressive level-1 random errors and random intercepts and/or slopes at level 2. HMLM2 allows for study of multivariate outcomes for persons who are, in turn, nested within higher-level units and offers similar modeling features as HMLM. The HCM2 module is used for two-level cross-classified random effects models, where lower-level units are cross-classified by two higher-level units. 原始数据的格式: SPSS、ASCII、SAS、SYSTAT 学生版的限制: 对于两层模型,层1最多7200条观测,层2最多350条观测 对于三层模型,层1、2、3最多只能有7500、1700、60条观测 每层不能超过5个效应(Effects),效应的总数不能超过25个 下载地址:/hlm/windows 主要内容 两层模型 三层模型 分层广义线性模型(HGLM) 分层多元线性模型(HMLM) HLM6的作图功能 一、两层模型 对于ASCII格式的数据,ID变量必须是字符型,对于其它格式,可以是字符或数值型 层一数据必须以层二单元ID分组,并在导入HLM前排序 如果ID是数值型,范围必须在 到 之间。如果是浮点数,则小数部分被忽略 字符型的ID不能超过12位。 给定层的ID必须一样宽度 Hierarchical Linear Models 第四章 保存MDM模板 生成MDM文件 查看MDM的统计量 bold 黑体:按总平均数对中 bold italic 黑斜体:按层-2平均数(组平均数)对中 In the level-2 model, both the intercept and SES slope are to be modeled as dependent on the schools
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