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雅思写作常见语法错误 “好的作文大都是相似的,而不幸的作文却各有各的不幸。” Structure: 一,内容(Task Response回答问题) 二,组织结构(Coherence and Cohesion连贯性及一致性) 三,词汇(Lexical Resource词汇量) 四,语法(Grammatical Range and Accuracy语法范围及准确性) 一,内容 【错误一】:无话可说 【对策】:关心时事,观察生活,与人交流,看写作范文 【错误二】:千言万语无从说起 【对策】:积累雅思写作词汇 【错误三】:标新立异 【对策】:自圆其说即可。 二,组织结构 【错误一】:天马行空 【对策】:起承转合 【错误二】:单句游离 【对策】:正确使用各种逻辑关系词。(详见附录) 三,词汇 【错误一】:盲写生词 【对策】:同义改写 e.g.: 望子成龙,望女成凤 -- All parents expect their children to have a promising further. 寄生虫(parasite) Something that is very tiny and lives on my skin and sucks my blood without doing any work. (×) 【错误二】:同义重现 【对策】:积累近义词,反义词,衍生词 E.g. : “discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ```” ----benefits; gains; merits; pros; downsides; weakness; drawbacks; cons 【错误三】:大词连篇 【对策】:整体协调最重要 【错误四】:词性使用错误。 【对策】:背单词需了解词性。 【练1/2】 None can negative the importance of money. 【改】None can deny the importance of money. 【练2/2】 More and more people against this point. 【改】More and more people are against this point. 四,语法 【错误一】:破句(破句是把不完整的句子当做独立的句子来写时发生的错误。) 【对策】从属连词/引导词/分词开头的从句不能单独存在,需要依赖于另一个句子。 【练1/3】 Students should be encouraged to take part-time job. Because it will benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole. 【评】从属连词引起的破句。 【扩展】常见的从属连词(引导词):详见附录 after, unless, even if, even though, since, before, when, because, if, who, while, as, as if, which, although, so that, where, until, that 【改】Students should be encouraged to take part-time job because it will benefit students and their family, even the society as a whole. 【练2/3】 A large number of people think that they had completed their education when they finished their schooling. Not realizing that a person’s education is a most important aspect of his life. 【评】分词引起的破句。 【改】 ·····. They fail to realize that```. 【练3/3】 International travel has given rise to large numbers of employment opportunities. For example, retail, hospitality and transportation. 【评】增加细节引起的破句。往往是以下面的词语开头:for example, also, except, such as, including, especially, among, like 【改】International t



