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重 庆 重 庆 大 学 硕 士 学 位 论 文 英 文 摘 要 A B S T R A C T S teel P IP e m an u factu rin g in du s抑 P lay S m o re an d m o re im P o rtan t role in n ati o n al econom y an d soeial dev eloPm ent . A t P resent,there 15 a larg e distan ce in logisties o P e ratio n b etw e en th e d o m e stie stee l P IP e m anu fae turin g ent erp rise s an d the o P P o n en ts in d ev elo P e d c o un tri e s. S te e l P IP e m anu facturin g en terp n se s in o ur c o u n try h a v e m an y P rob lem s,for exam Ple logisties eo st 15 high ,efficien ey 15 low,and com P etitiv en ess 15 in su ffi cien t. N o w the d o m e stie ste el P IP e m anu fac tu rin g en terp rise s are intr o d u d n g le an logisties. B ut,for lacki ng o f system atie an d eon crete thcory in im Plem entation Process, the re su lt 15 n o t as g o o d as th ink . A c e o rd in g to cu rrent situati o n s ab o v e ,面 5 P aP er stud ie d the lean logisties lln Plern ent in steel PIP e m anu facturin g enterp rises,divided in lean Produ etion logisties,lean suPPly logistics,sales logistics,reeyc le w aste stream logisti es. B ased on form er research ,thi s P aP er researeh es the lean logisties aPP lieation in the enterprise.T h is P aP er scts ab out fro m argU m entall on o f logisties an d lean 而 nki n g at first, and discu sses P roereant foun dati on an d conn otation of the lean logistics; descri b ed th e intro du ction of lean logistics im P lem entation in the m anu fac加Lring . Sub sequ enily the auth or regard ed h e1P ing the eom P any to im P lem ent alterat ion of the lean 10乡sties as the in stan ce,and aPPlied the idea o f m anagem ent b ased on the lean logistics to assist to a chi ev e the targ e t. F rom the te ch n o lo gy a sP e e ts,it P rese n ts the m eth o d s a n d ta ctie s o f doin g lean logist



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