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摘 要
近几年,我国的风电事业发展非常迅速,取得了骄人的成绩,装机容量已于 2010 年名列全球第一位;而塔架作为风力发电系统的主要支撑装置,其结构形式、 受力特性、设计方法及可靠性等方面的研究在国内基本上是一片空白,与我国的风 电产业的发展不协调。
基于上述风电塔架研究存在的问题,本文以某 1.5MW 风力发电机锥台形塔筒为 参考对象,依据等刚度原则与相似理论设计了一座钢管混凝土格构式四肢柱风力发 电机塔架模型,通过对该模型进行低周反复荷载试验,深入研究了该种结构的承载 能力、耗能能力、结构的内力分布规律以及破坏特征与机制等受力特性;同时利用 ANSYS 有限元分析软件对钢管混凝土格构式四肢柱风力发电机塔架进行理论分析,将 分析结果与试验结果进行对比,两者吻合较好,并拟合出了钢管混凝土格构式四肢 柱风力发电机塔架结构的恢复力模型。
研究结果表明:钢管混凝土格构式四肢柱塔架结构滞回曲线饱满,呈稳定的梭 形,其骨架曲线在加载后期基本保持水平,没有明显下降段,结构破坏时等效粘滞 阻尼系数 he 为 0.23,表明钢管混凝土格构式四肢柱风力发电机塔架具有良好的受力
In recent years, the wind business in China is developing very fast, has achieved great success, the installed capacity for 2010 already top the list of the worlds first; And the tower as wind power systemss main support device, its structure, mechanical characteristics, design methods and reliability, and other aspects of the research in the domestic is basically a blank, and the wind power industry in the development of the harmonious.
Based on the current research status of wind power tower of existing problems, the paper with a 1.5 MW wind generators cone shape tower drum machine for reference object, basis of similarity theory design principle and stiffness of a steel tube concrete lattice frame column limbs wind generator model, through the tower of the model was low cyclic loading test, the thorough study on the structure of the carrying capacity, energy dissipation capacity, the internal force distribution law and the structure of the failure characteristics and mechanism of the mechanical characteristics; At the same time by ANSYS finite element analysis software of steel and concrete lattice frame column limbs wind generator is analyzed theoretically, the tower will analyze the results, and the experimental results were compared, both good agreement, and fitting out of the concrete filled steel lattice frame column limbs wind generator the restoring force model of tower structure.
The results of the stu
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