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National Standard of the Peoples Republic of China GB 7718─94 General standard for the labeling of foods ────────────────────────────────────── 1 theme and scope This standard provides the general principles,the contents and the requir- ents for labelling of foods. This standard applies to the labelling of prepackaged foods for domestic sale purpose. 2 Quoted standards GB 2760 Hygienic standards for food additives in use GB 13432 Labelling of foods special nutrient 3 Definition of terms 3.1 Label of food It means any word,pictorial,mark or other descriptive matter on a container of prepackaged food. 3.2 Prepackaged food It means any food packaging in advance in a container,ready for offer to the consumer. 3.3 Container It means any packaging of food for delivery as a single item,whether by co- mpletely or partially enclosing the food and includes wrappers. 3.4 Food additive It means any synthetic or natural substance added to food for an antiseptic or a technological purpose for improving its qualitied,including its color,fl- avor,and taste in the manufacture or processing of such food. 3.5 Ingredient It means any substance,including water and a food additive,used in the man- ufacture or preparation of a food and presented in the product(although poss- ibly in a modified form). 3.6 Date of minimum durability (best before) It means the date which signifies the end of the period under any stated s- tated storage conditions on the label,during which the product will remain fu- lly marketable and will retain any specific qualities (attributes),for which tacit of express claims have been made on its label or in the product standard However,beyond the date the food may still be perfectly satisfactory. 3.7 Use-by date which signifies the end of the estimated period under any sta- ted st



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