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内窑摘要 在中国的工业化过程中,作为中国制造业基地的环渤海经济圈将起着举足轻重的作 用.而产业集群现象正深刻地影响着当今世界经济的发展,越来越多的国家和地区,都把 产业集群作为产业发展,拉动经济增长、推动工业化的重要战略方式.本文将产业集聚与 经济增长的有关理论相结合,基于产业集聚来探讨环渤海地区的工业经济增长,力图在理 论探讨与实证分析的基础上提出促进环渤海地区工业经济增长的建议. 本文的研究内容主要包括如下几点: 第一,分析了地区一体化、专业化对产业集群形成的影响; 第二,对产业集群理论与经济增长理论进行历史回顾并对其研究现状进行考察,研究 产业集群促进区域经济增长的机理,建立产业集群与区域经济增长关系的模型,从理论上 揭示了产业集群对经济增长的影响; 第三,利用相关统计指标对环渤海地区的制造业专业化分工水平、集聚水平及主要集 聚产业进行分析.并通过建立交系数的面板数据模型来实证分析环渤海地区与长三角和珠 三角经济圈的工业经济增长集聚弹性,并对其差异进行分析; 最后,基于产业集群提出促进环渤海地区经济增长的建议. 关键词z 严业集群:经济增长:区域经济 z 面极数据模型 Abstract As ab岱e of manufacture ,the Bohai Delta has increasingly played a veηimportant role on the process of Chinas industrialization. And the phenomenon of industry c1uster is profoundly affecting 伽e development of the worlds e∞nomy. More and more ωuntries or areas take the industry c1uster model as their development strategy in order ωsp四d up the ente甲rise development and promote 由e local e∞nomy growth and industrialization. Therefore,we studied the eωnomic growth of Bohai Delta so as to put forward some sound suggestions on the basis of 出e thωry of industry cluster. To begin with, we studied the relationship between the market integration ,the regional specialization and the industry cluster,mainl y based on the 臼1llIysis frame of Krugmans new economic geography thωry. Secondly,we studied the effect of industη c1usters on the economic growth based on 出e investigation on the Iiterature about industrial c1usters thωry and eωnomic growth thωry. And we conclude the e∞nomic growth model about aggIomeration and regional e∞nomic growth and explain 也e mechanism of the effect of industrial clusters on the locaI economic growth. Morωver,this article makes an empiriω1 analysis on the level of the Industrial clusters of the Bohai Delta, estírnates the cluster elasticity making use of the model of panel data, and makes a brief anaIyses on the reason for the differences between the Bohai delta、出e Yangtze delta and the Pearl delta. l.astly,we 位ied to put f



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