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西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 Research on nonlinear performance and parameter influence of frame structure compose of the steel beam-continuous compound spiral hoop reinforced concrete column Spccialty: Structural Engincerin g Namc: Yan g Chao Instructor :Prof. Li Qing-ning Abstract Frame structw-e compose of the steel beam -con tinuOlls compou nd spiral hoop reinforced concrete colw-nn(S-CCSHRC composite frame structllres) have the advantage of h igh bearing capacity,simple jo int connection ,better f仇lre-刊s剖I剑Stant capacαity and anti-corro刽sion ability,con ven1】 i1en吭t con st盯贝l川IclωI o叽n飞,陀reliab怆le force 1仕ra n刽sm lωSs创SIlon叽1,and b创et阳t巳创r e∞con omωl c pe町rform ance. Th erefore,there is a l arge demand for S-CCSHRC structure such as the field that tall buildings and defense engineering . Moreover,S-CCSHRC strucωres have also become the current research hotspot. At present ,the experts both at home and abroad have widely studied the mechanical prope民y of the j oint and construction member in this kind of structure,lIsing the experiment or finite element method to study,and having made grate achievements. But the reports about study on the overall performance of the frame are few. It is very important to study the static performance of this framed structure,in order that extending and applying this kind of strucωre appropriately and safely in our developing country. The basic theory and current developing of the static nonlinear analysis method and rationale and application method of finite element method are presented in this paper. On the basis of ANSYS software,an aly se th e n on -linear mech an ics performance and parameters influence law of the composite frame structure. Consider the contact action of steel beam and stiffening plate to the concrete colurnn surface,the mutual effect bet\;veen concrete and rebar,and nonlinear characteristics of the rebar,steels and concrete. Choose the reasonable element type and optimize the elem


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