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摘要摘要 摘要 摘要 本文制作了4个柱高1470mm、截面尺寸为200mmx200mm,梁长1260mm、 截面尺寸为200mmxl46mm的钢筋混凝土框架边节点试件,其中基准试件为按 现行规范设计的高强混凝土试件,其它3个为在节点核心区局部区域加入钢纤 维的高强混凝土试件。通过试验研究,进行了如下理论分析: 1、分析了框架边节点梁加载点挠度的组成和产生原因,比较了钢纤维对这 些变形的影响;分析了钢纤维加入对框架边节点梁端塑性铰区截面曲率的影响 和塑性铰位置的变化;综合评价了钢纤维混凝土框架边节点的抗震性能。 2、分析了钢纤维掺量对框架边节点开裂荷载、极限承载力和刚度的影响。 3、进行了高强混凝土边节点和钢纤维高强混凝土边节点的数值模拟。 结果表明:在高强混凝土节点区使用钢纤维部分取代箍筋,能够保证节点 的整体性;钢纤维混凝土伸入梁柱,能使梁的塑性铰位置外移,抗震性能提高。 关键词:钢纤维高强混凝土节点变形塑性铰抗震有限元 AbstractAbstract Abstract Abstract Four samples of exterior joint were made in this paper,one of the samples Was made of high·strength concrete according to current codes,other were reinforced by steel fiber in the core area of the joints.The size of these joints was column height 1470mm with the cross section 200mmx200mm and beam length 1 260mm谢tll the CROSS section 200mmx200mm.Through the experiment under low cyclic loading,the theoretical analysis was carried out勰follows. 1.The deflection was studied in detail to find out the composition and cause of the deflection of the beam,and at the same time,the influences of the steel fiber in the core area of the joints on the deflection,the sectional curvature,position of the plastic hinge was compared and analyzed.The seismic performance of the steel fiber reinforced high·strength concrete joints Was evaluated comprehensively. 2.The influence of the steel fiber content in the core area of the joints on the cracking load,ultimate bearing capacity and stiffness of high-strength concrete joints Was analyzed. 3.The behavior of high-strength concrete and the steel fiber high—strength concrete exterior joints Was simulated by finite element method. The results show that steel fiber reinforced concrete partially substituted for stirrups could guarantee the integrity of the joints,and force the plastic hinge to be far away from the joint core area,as a result the seismic performance of these joints was improved. Key words:Steel fiber high—strength concrete Joint Deformation Plastic hinge Seismic Finite element 目 目


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