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内容提要【内容提要】在钢结构200多年的历史流 内容提要 【内容提要】在钢结构200多年的历史流 conclusion of steel structure modeling rule through massive examples’ 变中,其建筑风格随着社会的发展、价值观 的嬗变、审美情趣的更迭,技术与艺术这两 analysis.At the same time the steel structure modeling basic principle is 条主线贯穿始终。 本文由钢的材料特性出发,通过大量实 proposed.When the structure shaping 例的分析,归纳出钢结构的造型规律,并提 is involved,the essay discusses its 出了钢结构造型的基本原则;在涉及空间营 modeling potential using the new 造时,跳出“结构选型”这一窠臼,选取独 unique angle of view. Lacks the detail research and the 特视角,探视其造型潜力。 缺乏细部研究与设计长期以来一直是 design always is the soft rib in our 我国钢结构建筑发展的软肋所在。文中以 country since long ago.The article “建构”为平台,演绎了节点构造的内在逻 inspects the intrinsic logic of node structure by the tectonic concept, 辑,试图提出“线之构成”这一新颖的传统 命题。此概念框架,不仅将西方构成理论进 moreover,this concept frame not only 行了“地理移植”,而且对中国传统建筑与 transplants the western constitution 西方现代建筑之间的“心灵暗沟”提供了时 theory in geography,but provides the close between blind ditch of the 间上的弥合,增强了审美的“连续性”,为 仃aditional construction and the 钢结构的民族化提供了新的可能。生态意义 Chinese modern architecture in time, 之外,这一研究视角又具有了文化学解读的 and strengthens the estheric 可能。 continuity,SO that the new possibility 【关键词】钢结构建筑结构造型 for steel structure’S localization is 构件设计节点构造 provided. Outside the ecology 信息技术 significance,this research also has the ABSTRACT possibility of cultural science In the steel structure more than explanation.It’S aim. 200 years history, its construction KEY WORDS: style along with society’S development, Steel Construction the values’change and the esthetic Mechanical Plastic Arts appeal variation,the technology and Component Design Node Construct arts passes throughout. This article embarks on the steel Information Technology material hehavior and draws the 内容提要【内容提要】在钢结构200多年的历史流 内容提要 【内容提要】在钢结构200多年的历史流 conclusion of steel structure modeling rule through massive examples’ 变中,其建筑风格随着社会的发展、价值观 的嬗变、审美情趣的更迭,技术与艺术这两 analysis.At the same time the steel 条主线贯穿始终。 structure modeling basic principle is 本文由钢的材料特性出发,通过大量实 proposed.When the structure shap


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