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钢框架结构节点的理论分析与对比计算摘 钢框架结构节点的理论分析与对比计算 摘 要 本文在参阅国内外大量文献资料的基础上,介绍了钢结构各种节点的分类, 对每种节点的基本构造原理性能邀彳亍了分手厅,磐对各种节点的M一0曲线进行 7薅篦分辑,褥示毫器耱节纛静受力往缝差雾;分舔了爽瀵躲半阐毪连接懿稽 数函数模溅,推导了柳始连接刚度和连接的最终抗弯能力的决定因素;并结合 具体工程实例,运用半刚性节点的计算原理,甜半刚性钢椴架进行了较为详细 豹设计,劳与剐性撂絮避厅了对敬诗算。 通过对眈计算褥知半耐性连接使得结梅静驽矩重新分带,粱端夸麓减小, 而跨中弯矩增大,从而达到减小椴架梁截面高度的目的;半刚性连接由于节点 的转动约束较刚性连接小,故在棚同荷载作用下,前者的节点转角明盟大于后 者;半列穗连接熬存凌经彳寻钢撂絮瓣爨移较瘸拣钢框架瑾丈,毽试验表硝在逸 震作用下戴位移反应并不一定比刚性连接钢框架大,因为节点部位能撼耗散作 用可以降低位移反应,合适的半刚性节点能表现良好的整体延性; K J Shi和 Chen三参数幂函数模溅与完海鹰援型计算结果吻合较好,说明完海鹰模攫具有 较高懿诗黪精凄,露氛诗算方霞,逶台予工程应矮。 关键词:钢框架,节点,半刚性潦接,对比计辫 Theory Theory analysis and contrast calculation study of the structure of steel frame’S joint ABSTRACT This article has introduced the classification of the steel structure’s joint in refers the domestic and foreign massive literature material,and has carried on the analysis to each kind ofjoint fundamental construction principle performance,and has carried on the contrast analysis to each kind ofjoint’S M一0curve and has promulgated the stress performance difference among of them.It has analyzed the typical semi-rigid connection exponential function model,and has inferred the determining factor of the initial connection rigidity and the connection’S finally anti--curved ability;and has utilized the computation principle of the semi--rigid joint,and has carried on a more detailed design to the semi-rigid steel frame,and has carried on the contrast computation to the rigid steel frame,the above is based on the concrete project example, Through the contrast computation we have known the semi-rigid connection has been distributed the new structure bending moment,the end of cross beam’S bending moments have been reduced,but the bending moment of the cross center has been increased,which lead US to reduce the height of the frame cross beam section;because the joint rotation restraint is smaller than that of the rigid connection,therefore under the same load function,the former joint corner obviously is bigger than the latter;the existence of the se



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