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四六级点金讲座 陈少清 四六级写作基本要求 1 思维 简化;降低 2 结构 总分总;a)中心突出 -把提纲句翻译成英文,写在段首 b)层次清晰 - 1 2 3 or 1 2模板的升级 To start with, In addition, Equally important For one thing, For another 3 语言 a)单词多变 b)句子灵活 4 错误 五种简单错误不可犯 四种作文类型 正反对比论证 - 05.12 06.12 现象原因;问题解决 - 基本格式 图表 - 雷同于现象问题型 应用文 - 正式信件 第二及第五篇 名人谚语的理解 - 可以忽略 正反对比论证 比较05.12和06.12的提纲的区别 - 05.12的引子有独立的提纲 怎样写引子? 设问或背景介绍;模板升级 比较05.12 06.12及06.6.24 07.12的开头段的写法 各类文章的开头—模板的升级 正反对比: - 有提纲:话题引入;越来越多;观点不一 - 无提纲:话题引入;观点不一 现象原因;问题解决 话题引入;环顾四周;越来越多 图表 引入图表;话题引入;越来越多 应用文 开门见山表身份,说目的 开头的模板升级 引入话题: -王长喜:At present, many students prefer to have electives in their spare time. - 新东方:Nowadays, there is general discussion about the issue of … - Allen: It is a striking fact that the issue of … has triggered a heated discussion. 越来越多 - 王爷爷:Nowadays, piracy has become a more and more serious problem. - 新东方:Currently, a great many famous university campuses have become one of the most popular tourist attractions. - Allen: In many cities, an increasing number of students are fond of … 环顾四周 Taking a look around, we can find examples too number to list. 观点不一 - 王长喜:Every one has his own viewpoint. - 王迈迈:People have different opinions about this phenomenon. - 新东方Allen: Yet, there is no consensus of opinions among people as to the view of it. 引入图表 - 王爷爷:As can be seen from the picture … - Allen: As the bar chart/pie chart/table illustrates, great changes have taken place recently. More specifically, the average number of … has increased significantly. 名校开头 (正反引子有提纲) It is a striking fact that the issue of university traveling has triggered a heated discussio


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