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钢筋钢丝网砂浆加固砖隔墙抗弯性能 试验研究 姓 名: 徐 奎 学 号: 导 师: 熊光晶教授 系 别: 汕头大学土木系 专业名称: 结构工程 申请学位: 工学硕士 答辩日期: 2012年 6月 2日 Experimental Research on Bend Property of Steel Bar/Wire Mesh Mortar Strengthening Brick Partition Dissertation for Master Degree ShanTou University by Kui Xu Dissertation Supervisor: Professor Guang-jing Xiong June, 2012 汕头大学 汕头大学硕士学位论文 I I 摘要 目前,60mm 厚的薄壁砖隔墙已广泛应用于各类建筑,但是其安全性(如地震作用)令 人担忧。为既提高砖隔墙的安全性,又基本不增加其截面尺寸,提出用钢筋钢丝网(SW) 砂浆加固砖隔墙抗弯性能的思路。进行了 3 片 SW 砂浆加固砖隔墙和 3 片钢筋网(S)加 固砖隔墙以及 6 片对比墙(P)的对比试验研究。探讨了钢筋钢丝网共同作用对加固砖隔 墙抗弯性能的影响。 试验研究结果表明,SW 砂浆加固具有很好的配筋分散性,钢丝网还能有效地约束加 固层砂浆,显著提高砖隔墙初始裂缝荷载,其后还能减缓墙根部裂缝发展;而钢丝与钢筋 共同作用,既显著提高了砖墙的极限抗弯承载力,又有效增加了其延性。SW 试件的抗弯 承载力和最大位移分别是 P 试件的 3.93 倍和 13 倍。 最后,结合目前研究现状及试验研究过程中所遇到的问题,提出了今后的研究设想和 方向。 关键词:SW 砂浆;砖隔墙;抗弯;加固;裂缝;延性 I II Abstract At present, 60 mm thick brick partitions have already been applied to many kinds of buildings widely. But their safety(e.g. under earthquake action)makes people worried. In order to improve the safety of this kind of brick partitions and not to noticeably increase their section size, a thought of strengthening the bend property of the brick partitions with steel bar / wire mesh(SW)mortar was proposed. A comparison experiment study on bend behaviour of two kinds of strengthening brick partitions(namely steel bar mat(S)mortar strengthening, and SW mortar strengthening)and control brick partitions was carried out. The effect of SW on the bend performance of the strengthened partitions was investigated. Research results showed that the SW mortar strengthening had the advantage of a better dispersion of reinforcement. Wire mesh could effectively constraint the strengthened mortar layer, leading to a much higher initial crack load, and then still slowing the development of cracks at the foot of walls. And the co-action of steel bars and wire mesh resulted in a significant improvement of ultimate bending capacity and an effective increase of ductility of the strengthene



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