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湖南工业大学本科毕业论文 精品 PAGE II 摘 要 伴随中国经济的飞速发展,人均消费水平日益提高,人们对财富的理解逐渐发生了变化,对金钱和奢华的过分追求成为了一部分人的生活目标。“炫耀”这一古老而又新潮的消费现象正日益引起关注。而近年来,中国人群中还出现了一个显著的炫耀性消费趋势,即正日益呈现低龄化倾向,并且在校大学生群体中尤为显著。 论文分析了当代“80后”大学生炫耀性消费文化的形成,主要是受到消费主义、大众传媒的影响以及大学生自我身份认同感的驱使而产生的。炫耀性消费具有超前性、非必需性、追求商品的符号象征性、受大众传媒的影响和推动性等特征。大学生炫耀性消费主要表现为日常生活求时尚、上档次以及人际交往摆排场、搞攀比。并从企业的发展角度,探讨适合大学生这一目标市场的营销策略:产品策略,包括开发新颖的产品、采用独特性的产品标志和设计风格等等;价格策略;渠道策略,包括设计有限覆盖的渠道架构和网上销售;促销策略,包括广告策略、公共关系、时尚推广和实施有效的诱导;以及创新式营销策略。对于满足大学生炫耀性消费需要,促进企业发展具有良好的现实意义。 关键词:大学生;炫耀性消费;营销策略 精品 ABSTRACT With the rapid development of Chinas economy, and increasing per capita consumption levels, peoples understanding of wealth gradually changed, with excessive pursuit of money and luxury to become a part of peoples life goals. Showing off, the old and trendy consumer phenomenon is growing cause for concern. In recent years, the Chinese population is also there to be a significant trend of conspicuous consumption, the tendency increasingly in younger age, and groups of college students is particularly significant. This paper analyzes the contemporary after 80 students of the formation of conspicuous consumption cultural, is mainly due to consumerism, the impact of public media, and the sense of identity and self-driven of the college students. Conspicuous consumption has features like in advance, non-essential, the pursuit of a symbolic sign of goods, and by the impact of public media and promotion, etc. Students’ conspicuous consumption mainly behaves as, the demand of fashion and on grade for the daily life, and interpersonal contact with engage in comparisons. And from perspective of business development, the target market of college students for the marketing strategy as: product strategy, including the development of innovative products, using the uniqueness of the product logo and design style, etc; price strategy; channel strategy, including the limited coverage of the channel structure design and online marketing; marketing strategies, including advertising s



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