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E)(PER E)(PER I MENTAL STUDY OF AX I S PRESSURE MECHAN I CAl..PROPERT I ES OF STEEL TUBE-RE I NFORCED RECYCLED CONCRETE CONPOS I TE COL咖 ABSTRACT A lot of construction waste has been accumulated in the process of urbaIllzation in China·The natural aggregate resources is also矗璩mg tIle Problem of the shortage of itself.The recycling of、VaSte concrete call s01ve these problems·However,the recycled aggregate concrete has the de:fects.which 盛Cts its application.Steel tube—reinforced recycled concrete composite colum not only has the advantages of high bearing capacity,high stia5fless,and good selsmlc performance,but also conducive to environmental protection.To studv tne mechanical properties of the steel tube.reinforced recycled concrete composite column,,the axis pressure experiment of the 22 steel tube.reinforCed req,cled concrete composite columns and another 5 specimens for comparison are designed m this paper.Test parameters are the recycled coarse a{罄regate replacement ratio,distance between stirrups,concrete strength,di锄eter and section of steel pipe,reinforcement ratio.The main conclusions afe as内110ws: Firstly,distance between stirrups,concrete strength,di锄eter alld section of steel pipe and reinforcement ratio are the main factors that influence the mechaIllcal properties of the steel tube。reinforced recycled concrete composite column·The replacement rate is the secondary factor. Secondly,with the reasonable constitutive model of concrete,The calculated Values of the complex stiffness are in good agreement with the exp耐mental values. Finally,based on the previous theory of superposition,the concrete cover is co鸺1dered,and the calculation formula of the axial load bearing capacity of the composite columns with double reduction factor is calculated values of the axial compression bearing capacity are in good a黟eemem wi廿1廿1e 万方数据 experimental experimental values. KEY WORDS:steel tube-reinfored recycled concrete;composite column;axial load bearin



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